Does uniform motion have to be in a straight line?

Does uniform motion have to be in a straight line?

So if an object is to stay in uniform motion, it needs a constant speed in a fixed direction, making it travel along a straight line. If the uniform motion talks about inform velocity the the path must be a straight line.

Why motion is always in a straight line?

It is the shortest distance between the initial position to the final position of the body. It is always along a straight line. It is a vector quantity whose direction is from the initial position to final position. It is independent of the path followed by the object.

Is uniform speed and uniform motion same?

Uniform motion of an object means “object covers equal distances in equal time of intervals. object’s speed does not change and stays constant.” Uniform speed means ‘speed of object stays constant or not varying.” so uniform motion and uniform speed are same .

What is uniform speed and non-uniform speed?

When an object travells equal distance in equal interval of time then it is said to be travelling with uniform speed whereas if an object travells unequal distances in equal interval of time then it is said to be travelling with non-uniform speed.

What is the speed of the body moving in a straight line changes?

Explanation: The body acquires a certain speed at an instant. It may be a speed that’s higher than the original one due to accelerating force or lesser than the original due to retarding force. Remember, the acceleration or retardation may be uniform or non-uniform.

What are the important points about uniform motion?

The motion is different from the actual speed of the object. It has zero acceleration. It has non-zero acceleration. Covers equal distances in equal time interval.

What is uniform speed and non uniform speed?

What is difference between uniform motion and uniform speed?

The uniform motion is identical to the actual speed of the object. The non-uniform motion is different from the actual speed of the object. Uniform motion covers equal distance at an equal time interval. Non-uniform motion covers unequal distance at equal time interval.

Can a body moving with uniform speed have variable velocity?

Yes if the body is travelling with uniform speed in a circular track its speed remains the same but the velocity is non-uniform as the direction of the body is changing every time. As we know, velocity is a vector quantity, so as the direction of motion changes, velocity also changes.

When a body moves in a straight line without changing its direction?

For an object moving along a straight line without changing its direction, the (c) distance travelled = displacement. Displacement is defined as the distance between the initial and final points of the object when we consider motion. On the other hand, distance refers to the actual physical movement of the object.

When a body is having uniform motion along a straight line in a given direction then?

During the uniform motion of an object along a straight line, the velocity remains constant with time. Hence option 4 is correct.

What are the important points about the uniform motion?