What is a groin field?

A groin is a shoreline structure which runs perpendicular to the coastline. Groins are designed to trap sediment to protect beaches and bluffs from erosion by maintaining or growing the shore width. Groin fields consist of more than one groin.

What is a groin in water?

Groins are shore perpendicular structures, used to maintain updrift beaches or to restrict longshore sediment transport. By design, these structures are meant to capture sand transported by the longshore current; this depletes the sand supply to the beach area immediately down-drift of the structure.

Where on the beach does the addition of groins cause erosion and deposition?

Coastal engineering structures built out into the water from the shore (such as groins) block the natural littoral drift of sand prevailing along most coasts. This deprives beaches of sand and initiates erosion on the downdrift side of the structure, while sand deposits updrift where the beach advances seaward.

Why does sand and other sediment build up on the Updrift side of a groin Why does the beach typically erode on the Downdrift side of a groin?

It is designed to interrupt and trap the longshore flow of sand. Sand builds up on one side of the groin (updrift accretion) at the expense of the other side (downdrift erosion). If the current direction is constant all year long, a groin “steals” sand that would normally be deposited on the downdrift end of the beach.

Where is groin located?

The groin is an area of your hip between your stomach and thigh. It is located where your abdomen ends and your legs begin. The groin area has five muscles that work together to move your leg.

Why does my groin hurt female?

Most common cause of groin pain for females A “groin strain” usually refers to torn or overstretched adductor muscles, which are located on the inside of the thigh. These types of groin injuries are usually the result of overuse or overexertion and are common among physically active people.

Why does the beach typically erode on the downstream side of the groin?

“Damming” the flow with a groin will trap sand upstream, on the side from which water and sand are coming, but that will allow water with less sand to attack the downstream side, causing erosion there.

What is groin in civil engineering?

groin, in coastal engineering, a long, narrow structure built out into the water from a beach in order to prevent beach erosion or to trap and accumulate sand that would otherwise drift along the beach face and nearshore zone under the influence of waves approaching the beach at an angle.

What is the groin area called?

inguinal region
Overview. The inguinal region of the body, also known as the groin, is located on the lower portion of the anterior abdominal wall, with the thigh inferiorly, the pubic tubercle medially, and the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) superolaterally.

Do girls have a groin?

The groin area is located at the same place in men and women—at the junction where the upper body or abdomen meets the thigh. It is an area of the hip and is comprised of five muscles that work together to move your leg. The groin area can become painful and cause discomfort because of physical activities and sports.

Where is a females groin?

Your groin is the area of your hip located between your stomach and your thigh. It is where your abdomen stops and your legs start.

How do you know if you pulled your groin female?

Pain and tenderness in the groin and the inside of the thigh. Pain when you bring your legs together. Pain when you raise your knee. A popping or snapping feeling during the injury, followed by severe pain.

Why is it called a T-groin?

Some designs are referred to as T-groins because the end of the structure terminates in a short shore-parallel segment. Both groins and jetties are very successful sand traps. If a groin is working correctly, more sand should be piled up on one side of the groin than on the other.

What is the purpose of groin?

Groins are intended to trap sand moving in longshore currents. They can be made of wood, stone, concrete, steel, or fabric bags filled with sand. Some designs are referred to as T-groins because the end of the structure terminates in a short shore-parallel segment.

What are groins on a beach?

Groins are much shorter structures built on straight stretches of beach away from inlets. Groins are intended to trap sand moving in longshore currents. They can be made of wood, stone, concrete, steel, or fabric bags filled with sand.

Is it possible to have a town meeting with all citizens?

No, it would be hard for all the citizens to meet in one place at one time and discuss and then vote on issues like the way a town meeting does. Not to mention different people will have different problems because they live in different environments. Where did towns develop? New England Where did TOWNSHIPS develop? NY, NJ, and PA