Why were members of the Third Estates dissatisfied with life under the old regime?

Why were members of the Third Estates dissatisfied with life under the old regime?

Why were members of the Third Estate dissatisfied with life under the Old Regime? The people of the Third Estate had to pay high taxes and they had little political power. He let political problems and mounting debt get out of hand. He did pay attention to or have the patience for his governing duties.

Why were the members of the Third Estate disgruntled with the conditions under the old regime?

The members of the Third estate were unhappy with the prevailing conditions because they paid all the taxes to the government. Further, they were also not entitled to any privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobles. Taxes were imposed on every essential item.

What were the major causes of discontent among members of the Third Estate?

Due to a variety of factors, including poor harvests, in 1789 itself there was a 25% fall in real wages and an 88% increase in the price of bread. This resulted in anger at the establishment, that is the aristocracy and the King, who were perceived as being to blame for the economic crisis.

What did the members of the Third Estate refuse to do?

As a result, double representation was meaningless in terms of power. The Third Estate refused to accept the imposed rules and proceeded to meet separately, calling themselves the Communes (“Commons”).

How did the lives of the Third Estate differ from the lives of clergy and nobles?

How did the lives of the clergy and nobles differ from the members of the 3rd estate? The nobles and the clergy were exempt from all taxes and lived lazy lives. But the 3rd estate was starving and burdened with heavy taxes. The economic problems meant higher taxes and higher food prices for the poor.

Why was France deeply in debt?

Louis XIV had left France deeply in debt due to 7 years war and American revolution. Bad harvests in the late 1780s sent food prices soaring and brought hunger to the poorer peasants and the city dwellers. Sent France’s economy down even more.

Why were members of each estate in France discontented?

Why were members of the Third Estate discontented with conditions under the old regime? People with money could get good jobs; whereas, peasants could only get jobs with miserable pay. This brought the threat of greater hunger or starvation.

Why were the representatives of the Third Estate disappointed with the estate General explain?

Explanation: They were disappointed with the voting system of ‘Estates General’ because each estate represented 1 vote whereas 3rd estate wanted that each person should be counted as a vote.

What factors caused each estate to be discontent with the old regime?

What caused discontent in the old French regime? Difference in social treatment and deficit spending. 1st estate, clergy, swam in wealth and privilege.

What did the Third Estate want?

The Third Estate wanted greater representation and greater political power to address issues of inequality. After weeks of dissent, no agreement was reached and the meeting of the Estates-General was disbanded.

What did the members of Third Estate declared themselves?

The Third Estate, which had the most representatives, declared itself the National Assembly and took an oath to force a new constitution on the king.

Why did members of the Third Estate feel they were treated unfairly by the first and second estates?

Why did members of the Third Estate feel they were treated unfairly by the First and Second Estates? The First and Second Estates had a small tax burden, powerful positions, and privilege. The Third Estate had a large tax burden, few rights, and little privilege.