Why does Odysseus go into Polyphemus cave?

Why does Odysseus go into Polyphemus cave?

Expert Answers Odysseus wants to visit the Cyclops out of pure curiosity. He knows that he has the protection of the gods and he believes himself to be more than human so he does not fear entering Polyphemus’ cave with twelve of his men in tow.

What did they find in the Cyclops Cave?

The Cyclops was astonished to find a band of men making themselves comfy in his cave and eating his cheese. He blinked with his one eye and asked in a terrible voice: Now the only light in the cave was from the fire lit by Odysseus and his men. “What care I for the laws of Zeus?” said the Cyclops.

When they enter the Cyclops Cave What do his men ask him?

Later, when Odysseus directs the men to Polyphemus’ cave, he says: When they saw all this, my men begged me to let them first steal some cheeses, and make off with them to the ship; they would then return, drive down the lambs and kids, put them on board and sail away with them.

Why do Odysseus and his men decide to stay in Polyphemus cave instead of taking food and leaving?

Even though his men want him to take some food and leave as soon as possible, Odysseus wants to stay in Polyphemus’s cave because he hopes “[he] might see [the cave’s owner] and [this owner] might offer [Odysseus] gifts.” Odysseus might expect such gifts from an obviously wealthy host because of the ancient Greek ideas …

What is the first villainous thing the Cyclops does?

Despite Odysseus’ mention of Zeus and Poseidon, the Cyclops showed no fear of the gods. Suddenly, the giant grabbed two of Odysseus’ men and bashed them on the ground, splattering their brains before tearing “them limb from limb.” Then he ate the bodies–“bones, marrow and entrails.”

Why does Polyphemus stop the great Ram on its way out of the cave?

Why does Polyphemus stop the great ram on its way out of the cave? Polyphemus wonders why the ram is the last one to depart instead of the first one, as he usually is. What are the long-term consequences for Odysseus’ treatment of Polyphemus? Poseidon punishes him and keeps him from returning home for ten years.

Why did Odysseus tell Polyphemus his real name?

Q: Why does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is Nobody? Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is Nobody as he knows that when he attacks, the Cyclops will cry out and be asked by other Cyclopes if it needs help. Of course, the Cyclops replies that “nobody” is bothering or killing it.

Why did Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name was nobody?

What is the theme of the monster in the cave?

Others will say no, because he was in his own cave and Odysseus and his men were intruders. What does this play say about the power of intelligence versus strength? (theme) The play suggests that intelligence is more valuable than strength. Odysseus defeats the mighty Cyclops by using his wits.

Why did Odysseus men open the bag from aiolos?

Aeolus presents Odysseus with a bag containing all of the winds, and he stirs up a westerly wind to guide Odysseus and his crew home. Within ten days, they are in sight of Ithaca, but Odysseus’s shipmates, who think that Aeolus has secretly given Odysseus a fortune in gold and silver, tear the bag open.

What mistake does Odysseus make in Book 10?

Odysseus is losing control of his men. His men make four major mistakes in this book: 1) they open the bag of wind from Aeolus; 2) they are nearly eaten by cannibals; 3) they are turned into animals by Circe; 4) Elpenor gets drunk and dies.

What mistake did Odysseus make leaving Polyphemus?

In The Odyssey, as he leaves the Cyclops’ island, Odysseus’s foolish blunder is telling Polyphemus his name, which means that Poseidon, Polyphemus’s father, can take revenge on Odysseus and his men.

Why is Odysseus not afraid to enter Polyphemus’ cave?

He knows that he has the protection of the gods and he believes himself to be more than human so he does not fear entering Polyphemus’ cave with twelve of his men in tow.

What happened to Polyphemus in the Greek mythology?

The Classical accounts. When the giant Polyphemus returns home with his flocks, he blocks the entrance with a great stone and, scoffing at the usual custom of hospitality, eats two of the men. Next morning, the giant kills and eats two more and leaves the cave to graze his sheep.

Why does Odysseus decide not to visit the land of the Cyclops?

He also sealed the fate of the rest of his men when he told Polyphemus who he was. Odysseus doesn’t necessarily want to visit the land of the cyclops or Polyphemus (the specific cyclops in whose cave he ended up trapped). However, he does stop to explore because he sees a fertile and quiet island.

What did the giant ask Odysseus to give him to drink?

Next morning, the giant kills and eats two more and leaves the cave to graze his sheep. After the giant returns in the evening and eats two more of the men, Odysseus offers Polyphemus some strong and undiluted wine given to him earlier on his journey. Drunk and unwary, the giant asks Odysseus his name, promising him a guest-gift if he answers.