Why does Norway give a Christmas tree to UK?

Why does Norway give a Christmas tree to UK?

Every year, since 1947, the people of Norway have given the people of London a Christmas tree. This gift is in gratitude for Britain’s support for Norway during World War II.

Who introduced the Christmas tree to England?

Queen Charlotte
The custom of displaying Christmas trees was introduced to Britain in the late eighteenth century by Queen Charlotte, consort of George III, although it was a yew tree rather than a fir that was used.

When did Norway start giving UK a Christmas tree?

From Oslo with love The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree has been an annual gift from Norway since 1947 in gratitude for Britain’s support during the Second World War.

What country did putting up a Christmas tree?

But the real origins of Christmas trees appear to be rooted in present-day Germany during the Middle Ages. In 1419, a guild in Freiburg put up a tree decorated with apples, flour-paste wafers, tinsel and gingerbread.

Is the capital of Norway?


Oslo is a green city and was awarded the prestigious title European Green Capital in 2019. More than half of the municipality of Oslo is covered by forests and parks, and the fjord extends all the way to the city centre.

How many Norwegians live in UK?

18,000 Norwegians
There are around 18,000 Norwegians living in the United Kingdom and around 13,395 British people living in Norway. British people are one of the largest immigrant groups in many cities.

What did Victorians put on their Christmas trees?

Christmas trees were traditionally decorated with dried fruit, candies in wrappers, cookies, nuts, and strands of popcorn or cranberries. Small home made gifts were also popular. Decorations of tin, leather or glass would become cherished heirlooms.

How did Christmas trees come to the UK?

The Christmas tree became popular in England in 1841 when Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, brought a Christmas tree over from Germany and put it in Windsor Castle. Today, Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, lights and small ornaments which hang from the branches.

Which side was Norway on during ww2?

With the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, Norway again declared itself neutral. On April 9, 1940, German troops invaded the country and quickly occupied Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Narvik.

Where did Christmas trees come from pagan?

Christmas trees did begin as a pagan tradition as early as the fourth century C.E., according to ABC News. European pagans were largely responsible for dressing their homes with the branches of evergreen fir trees in order to bring color and light into their dull winters.

What is the pagan origin of the Christmas tree?

Pagans in Europe used branches of evergreen fir trees to decorate their homes and brighten their spirits during the winter solstice. “So the idea of bringing evergreens into the house started there and eventually that evolved into the Christmas tree.”

What language does Norway speak?

Norway/Official languages

Why do the Norwegians put up a Christmas tree?

The annual gift of a Christmas tree has come to symbolize the deep and long-lasting friendship between Norway and the United Kingdom.

Did you know the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square comes from Norway?

On the first Thursday in December, a huge Christmas tree is lit in London’s Trafalgar Square, radiating its Yuletide joy in all directions. What you might not know, is that the tree has travelled all the way from Nordmarka outside of Oslo. Yes, in Norway.

How is the Christmas tree chosen for the UK?

The tree is dubbed the “queen of the forest” before being felled and shipped to the UK. It is chosen with great care, usually many years before it is to be used. The Christmas tree is typically a 50- to 60-year-old Norway spruce, generally over 20 meters tall. The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree in 2008. Photo Credit

How tall is the average Christmas tree in Norway?

The Christmas tree is typically a 50- to 60-year-old Norway spruce, generally over 20 meters tall. The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree in 2008. Photo Credit Even cutting the Christmas tree is a ceremony, and the British Ambassador to Norway, Mayor of Oslo, and Lord Mayor of Westminster attend the event in November.