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Why does Edward look different in eclipse?
Edward had rocked some well-shaped eyebrows in Twilight and New Moon that amplified his sleek vampire image. The look was not a personal choice, but something he did especially for the role. Along with the heavy white makeup and bright colour contacts, the eyebrows gave Pattinson a pretty distinct look.
What almost killed Edward Cullen?
After nearly dying from the Spanish influenza in 1918 in Chicago, Edward was turned into a vampire by Carlisle, as the only alternative to death. Over the next ninety years, the pair gathered a family of vampires around themselves and called themselves “vegetarians”.
Why was Bella mad at Edward in Eclipse?
In the movie, Edward and Bella are outside the tent when they talk about getting married. Jacob hears, in his human form, and Bella stops him before he leaves. She is angry at Edward for doing that after she made it clear that she didn’t want Jacob to know until after the battle.
How did Edward Cullen get hard?
Vampires have blood, which is what’s used to fill those erections generally required for sex, in their system only after they’ve hunted and sucked their victims dry. And if venom holds the power to turn a human into a vampire then let’s be real, it can probably give the youngest Cullen a major hard-on.
Is Edward Cullen abusive?
Yep, he was abusive. If you need some proof: he gaslit Bella, lied to her, put her in harms way, ghosted her and stalked her. It really is a marvel that he managed to jam all of those red flags into five movies but he did.
Who does Bella love Edward or Jacob?
She comes to care deeply for Jacob, though less than she loves Edward. At the end of Eclipse, she becomes engaged to Edward Cullen (who is still physically 17), and they marry in Breaking Dawn, one month prior to her 19th birthday.
Did Edward lose his virginity to Bella?
Edward spent most of his life rejecting any kind of physical gratification. “In the first book in the series it states Bella is a virgin, but Edward said he has never found a vampire or human he’s been with before Bella.”
Did Bella lose her virginity to Edward?
On the eve of the Twilight: Breaking Dawn premiere, people all over the country are lining up to watch Bella (finally) lose her virginity with sparkly vampire and true love Edward Cullen. Edward spent most of his life rejecting any kind of physical gratification.
Did Edward physically abuses Bella?
Is Edward manipulative?
Edward, the Great Manipulator When it comes to the subtle ways of manipulation, Edward has them down cold. Pun intended. His first work of manipulative art is when he persuades Bella and Charlie that Bella should take a plane trip to see Renée for the weekend, because the tickets she was given will soon expire.
What happened to Bella and Edward’s Story?
Bella and Edward’s story came to an end in Breaking Dawn, where the young couple got married and started their own family with the birth of their daughter, Renesmee, and Bella’s conversion.
Does Bella accept Edward’s proposal in Eclipse?
In Eclipse, she accepts Edward’s proposal and doesn’t bat an eye to the fact that she will be giving up so much to be married to him. Throughout the saga, viewers forget that Bella is just a teenager who’s barely out of high school. She may act more mature than her years, but Bella shouldn’t have to grow up so fast.
How did Edward become a vampire in Twilight?
After nearly dying from the Spanish influenza in 1918 in Chicago, Edward was turned into a vampire by Carlisle, as the only alternative to death. Over the next ninety years, the pair gathered a family of vampires around themselves and called themselves ” vegetarians “.
What happens at the end of Breaking Dawn book series?
At the end of Breaking Dawn, Edward and Bella are free to live their lives with their daughter, Renesmee “Nessie” Carlie Cullen. Bella learns to remove her “shield”, allowing Edward to read her thoughts for the first time, bringing the two of them closer to each other.