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Why do honey locusts have thorns?
These thorns are thought to have evolved to protect the trees from browsing Pleistocene megafauna, which may also have been involved in seed dispersal, but the size and spacing of them is less useful in defending against smaller extant herbivores such as deer. Thornless forms (Gleditsia triacanthos var.
Does honey locust have thorns?
The native species of honey-locust has large thorns on its stems and bark. For this reason, thornless honey-locust is most commonly sold.
What do you do with honey locust thorns?
Today the wood of honey locust is occasionally used in furniture or agricultural fencing, however it cannot provide yield great enough for commercial production. The strong thorns were interestingly also once used as nails in the construction of barns and other building practices.
Do locust trees have spikes?
Another identifying feature of locust trees is their sharp thorns that can measure 1.2” to 4” (3 – 10 cm) long. These prickly spikes can grow singularly or on thorned branches. They are extremely tough and can easily puncture the skin.
Can you burn honey locust wood?
Honey Locust – Honey locust firewood is excellent for burning. It is a very dense hardwood that puts out a lot of heat and a very long burn. For firewood, it is comparable to black locust as far as heat output. It is a wood that can spark and pop so best to have a closed fireplace or wood stove when burning indoors.
Are honey locust tree thorns poisonous?
Honey locust can produce numerous thorns that are capable of puncturing implement tires. Though not listed as a toxic plant, contact with thorns often results in sore wounds that are slow to heal.
What is the difference between honey locust and black locust?
The leaves are very different. The black locust has very simple compound leaves where honey locust trees have bipinnate compound leaves. The black locust’s bark is dark in colour with grooves that resemble an intertwining rope. The honey locust’s bark is brown or grey colour and the tree has bunches of thorns.
Is honey locust A good tree?
But don’t be afraid of its anti-social attitude, for the honey locust is a very pretty and useful tree that is commonly planted as an ornamental. The flowers of the honey locust are small and not showy, but the fruits are borne in long slender pods 15 to 40 cm long with sticky and sweet bean-like seeds.
Can you remove the thorns from a honey locust tree?
Living With Honey Locust Tree’s Thorns Long, sharp thorns grow on some forms of honey locust trees. The thorns are denser at the bottom of the tree, and they grow in clusters. Use a sharp knife, pruning shears or loppers to remove the thorns, then burn them.
How can you tell the difference between a black locust and a honey locust?
One can also tell the two trees apart by just looking at the bark. The black locust’s bark is dark in colour with grooves that resemble an intertwining rope. The honey locust’s bark is brown or grey in colour and the tree has  bunches of thorns. Both the black and honey locust have smooth, thin, shiny seedpods.
Do all honey locust trees have pods?
The pods of the honey locust are often found in clusters of two or three. The honey locust usualy produces a large fruit crop only every 2-3 years with the southern trees often having larger crops than the northern trees. Once formed, these pods can remain on the tree from September to February.
Is honey locust poisonous?