Which gods goddesses does the Chorus pray to for help?

Which gods goddesses does the Chorus pray to for help?

The Oedipus Trilogy The chorus chants a prayer to the gods Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Artemis, describing the horrors of the Theban plague.

Who are the three gods that the Chorus pray to in the Parados?

The prologue sets the scene of Thebes, describing the plague and how the people have asked Apollo for help. In Parados, the chorus further asks not only Apollo, but also Athena, Artemis, Dionysus, and Zeus for help against the producer of the plauge, Ares.

Who does the Chorus pray to in Oedipus?

The Chorus of Theban citizens offer prayers to Zeus, Apollo, Athena for release from the plague. First Episode , 216-462. Oedipus appeals for information and pronounces his curse on the murderer.

Why does the Chorus pray to Dionysus?

Once he is gone, the Chorus prays to Dionysus to protect Thebes. A messenger enters and tells the Chorus that a catastrophic event has taken place offstage: Haemon is dead by his own hand. As the messenger is leaving, Eurydice, Creon’s wife, enters from the palace.

What does the name Oedipus mean?

Oedipus, in Greek mythology, the king of Thebes who unwittingly killed his father and married his mother. (Tradition has it that his name, which means “Swollen-Foot,” was a result of his feet having been pinned together, but modern scholars are skeptical of that etymology.)

Which Greek gods did the chorus mention?

Greek tragedy had its beginnings in choral performances, in which a group of 50 men danced and sang dithyrambs—lyric hymns in praise of the god Dionysus.

What gods does the chorus pray to in the parados What do they want from the gods?

They pray to Zeus, Artemis, and Dionysus to hold back death and save Thebes. Paraphrase the information given in the Parodos. The Parados is a prayer to the gods as the Chorus laments the decay of Thebes.

Who are the members of the chorus supposed to represent?

In Oedipus Rex, the chorus is supposed to be the Theban elders. Because a council of elders was important for the government of ancient Greek city-states, a chorus of Theban elders shows that Oedipus and his actions mattered to the people of Thebes.

What gods do the chorus call upon?

The chorus (old men of Thebes) sings an ode invoking the aid of Apollo, Athena, and Artemis; the ravages of the plague are described, and Ares, god of war, is blamed (151-215). Oedipus calls upon the citizens of Thebes to provide information about the murderer; he curses the killer and those who shelter him (216-275).

Why is the chorus praying to the gods?

What is the Chorus asking the God to heal? They want a God who has “merciful feet.” They are praying because they want the plague to be lifted from Thebes, so the characters from Antigone are praying to the Gods for forgiveness since Creom has changed his mind and went off to go and save Antigone.

Why has the Chorus selected these particular gods for this prayer?

What does the Chorus want the gods to do for them? They want the gods to destroy their enemy and restore Thebes.

Why does the Chorus sing the paean?

Typical situations for paean-singing were: (1) a religious festival (esp. for Apollo), (2) illness or plague, where Apollo is addressed in his role as Healer (Il. 1. 473), (3) joyous and celebratory occasions such as weddings or the ratification of peace (Xen.

What is the purpose of the chorus in the name of people?

In the name of the people, they beg for deliverance from the gods, but worry about the sacrifice that may be demanded in return. At this point, the chorus takes over the stage, providing a break in the action as they reflect the fear and foreboding implicit in the unfolding drama.

What does the chorus say in the second choral ode?

The Chorus begins the second choral ode, reflecting on the occurrences in the preceding exchange. The Chorus says that love out of proportion can overwhelm a man’s virtue, but love in moderation is the gods’ greatest blessing.

Why does the chorus chant in Oedipus the king?

At this point, the chorus takes over the stage, providing a break in the action as they reflect the fear and foreboding implicit in the unfolding drama. Most practically, this chanting denotes the passage of time, from Oedipus’ command to assemble all the Thebans to their appearance before the palace in the next scene.

What is the prayer in Oedipus the king?

Summary and Analysis: Oedipus the King Lines 169-244. The chorus chants a prayer to the gods Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Artemis, describing the horrors of the Theban plague. In the name of the people, they beg for deliverance from the gods, but worry about the sacrifice that may be demanded in return.