Where does the stage of respiration that releases most of the energy in glucose occur?

Where does the stage of respiration that releases most of the energy in glucose occur?

The Krebs cycle takes place inside the mitochondria. The Krebs cycle produces the CO2 that you breath out. This stage produces most of the energy ( 34 ATP molecules, compared to only 2 ATP for glycolysis and 2 ATP for Krebs cycle).

What is most of the energy released during respiration used for?

Solution: The energy released during respiration is used for carrying out various life processes. Some of the energy liberated during the breakdown of the glucose molecule is in the form of heat, but a large part of it is converted into chemical energy released by these ATP molecules.

What is the energy released from glucose called?

The source of the energy required to regenerate ATP is the chemical energy stored in food (e.g. glucose). The cellular process of releasing energy from food through a series of enzyme-controlled reactions is called respiration . Some of the energy released is used to produce ATP.

What is the first stage of cellular respiration?

Glycolysis, the first step of cellular respiration, occurs in the cytoplasm of your cells. During this process, a glucose molecule is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate (pyruvic acid).

Where do stages of cellular respiration occur?

The energy is stored in the form of ATP. This final process of cellular respiration takes place on the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Instead of all the energy being released at once, the electrons go down the electron transport chain. The energy is released in small pieces and that energy is used to form ATP.

How much energy does respiration release?

The energy released during the reaction is captured by the energy-carrying molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Adenosine triphosphate is the primary energy carrier in living things. The removal of one phosphate group releases 7.3 kilocalories per mole, or 30.6 kilojoules per mole, under standard conditions.

How is energy released in 10th respiration?

Respiration is an exothermic process that releases energy. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules store the energy. Although some of the energy released during the breakdown of the glucose molecule is released as heat, the majority of it is transformed into chemical energy released by these ATP molecules.

Where is energy stored in glucose?

Energy is stored in the chemical bonds of the glucose molecules. Once glucose is digested and transported to your cells, a process called cellular respiration releases the stored energy and converts it to energy that your cells can use.

What is the process respiration?

The process of getting oxygen into the body and releasing carbon dioxide is called respiration. Breathing is only the movement of oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out of the body. The process of respiration also includes the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the cells of the body.

In which phase of cellular respiration is glucose a substrate?

In which phase of cellular respiration is glucose a substrate? glycolysis 12. On average, how many ATP can be made from each NADH during the electron transport process?

How is the energy produced by respiration stored?

The energy produced by respiration is stored as the nucleoside triphosphate ATP.

Which stage of cellular respiration produces the highest number of ATP per molecule of glucose?

electron transport chain
Explanation: The electron transport chain generates the most ATP out of all three major phases of cellular respiration. Glycolysis produces a net of 2 ATP per molecule of glucose.

Which stage of respiration releases most of the energy in glucose?

Mitochondria (organelle) The stage of respiration that releases most of the energy in glucose occurs in the opposite equations Photosynthesis and respiration are related because they have almost the same Together respiration and photosynthesis keep levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen fermentation

How are photosynthesis and respiration related to each other?

Glucose During respiration, this is broken down, releasing energy Mitochondria (organelle) The stage of respiration that releases most of the energy in glucose occurs in the opposite equations Photosynthesis and respiration are related because they have almost the same Together respiration and photosynthesis keep levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen

What are the products of respiration in alcoholic fermentation?

Alcoholic Fermentation The process in which yeast breaks down sugars and produces carbon dioxide and alcohol is called water The products of respriation are energy, carbon dioxide, and chorophyll Chloroplasts contain this pigment that captures the energy of sunlight

What are the raw materials for respiration and the end products?

The raw materials for respiration and the end products for photosynthesis are the plant oxygen Autotrophs are responsible for most of this in the atmoshpere guard cells surround stomata to control the amount of water that they release lactic acid When muscles run low on oygen, this kind of fermentation happens cytoplasm (organelle)