When did people start using oregano?

When did people start using oregano?

Although oregano is heavily associated with Italian cuisine it is likely that it originated in Greece. The word oregano comes from the Greek, meaning “joy of the mountain.” Ancient Greeks believed that cows that grazed on fields of oregano produced tastier meat.

Where does oregano originally come from?

Oregano is native to the hills of the Mediterranean countries and western Asia and has naturalized in parts of Mexico and the United States. The herb has long been an essential ingredient of Mediterranean cooking and is widely used to season many foods.

Is oregano from the Old World?

Oregano is a typical essence found in the oils of many different genera. All oreganos are part of the Mint Family with characteristic square stems and lipped flowers. In a way the herb can be divided between New World and Old World origins. Hardy oreganos mostly come from the Mediterranean area.

Is oregano Italian or Greek?

Origanum vulgare: This is the species most commonly known as oregano. Its best known variety is Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare var. hirtum). Sometimes known as true oregano or Italian oregano, this is the familiar herb used on pizzas and in tomato sauces.

Who invented oregano?

The Roman’s next adopted oregano because they enjoyed the taste and how easy is was to cultivate. Their love of the herb helped spread its use all throughout Europe and Northern Africa. In the middle ages oregano was commonly used for medicinal purposes.

What is oregano called in the UK?

wild marjoram
What’s known as wild marjoram in Britain is the species Origanum vulgare. It’s frequently known as oregano in Europe. It’s one of our staple herbs, but if you’re a gardener you’ll probably be familiar with it, too. On warm summer days its nectar-giving flowers attract a horde of insects, from bumblebees to butterflies.

Is oregano in the mint family?

It is astounding that so many of our most popular and valuable herbs – including what I would consider the majority of the finest culinary herbs – are in the mint family. They include basil, thyme, lavender, lemon balm, oregano, sweet marjoram, rosemary, sage, savory, summer savory, anise hyssop, and germander.

Can you eat wild oregano?

Unlike herb plants that are harvested for their leaves and seeds, oregano is grown for only its fragrant, edible leaves.

Is Mexican oregano the same as oregano?

They are from different plant families and have different tastes and aroma. Regular oregano is an Italian and Mediterranean spice with minty undertones. Mexican oregano has lemon and citrus flavors as well as some tones of licorice. These flavors are a better fit with Mexican dishes.

How oregano got its name?

The word “oregano” comes from the Greek words oros, for “mountain,” and ganos, for “joy” meaning “ joy of the mountains”. The Roman’s next adopted oregano because they enjoyed the taste and how easy is was to cultivate. Their love of the herb helped spread its use all throughout Europe and Northern Africa.