What was the main point of the letter published in the newspaper from General Scott to the Cherokee Nation?

What was the main point of the letter published in the newspaper from General Scott to the Cherokee Nation?

In this letter, Jackson writes to the Cherokee Nation urging them to give up the fight for their homeland. Jackson argues that the Cherokee people will be much better off if they remove to land west of the Mississippi River. He expresses the hope that they will accept the advice that he claims to give them as a friend.

What threat does General Scott make to the Cherokee?

MAJOR GENERAL SCOTT, of the United States Army, announces to the troops assembled and assembling in this country, that, with them, he has been charged by the President to cause the Cherokee Indians yet remaining in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama, to remove to the West, according to the terms of the …

Why did Winfield Scott resign?

Twenty years after his appointment as Commanding General, at the outbreak of the Civil War, Scott still retained his command even though he was 74 and in poor health. Feeling the pressure from the government and other members of the military, Scott resigned in November of 1861.

How did Gen Winfield Scott remove the Cherokee and how many left?

President Martin Van Buren sent General Winfield Scott and 7,000 soldiers to expedite the removal process. Scott and his troops forced the Cherokee into stockades at bayonet point while his men looted their homes and belongings. Then, they marched the Indians more than 1,200 miles to Indian Territory.

How did Andrew Jackson justify the Indian Removal Act?

Jackson declared that removal would “incalculably strengthen the southwestern frontier.” Clearing Alabama and Mississippi of their Indian populations, he said, would “enable those states to advance rapidly in population, wealth, and power.”

How is Jackson’s letter to the Cherokee different from his two speeches and why?

In Jackson’s “Letter to the Cherokee,” he had a much harsher tone than his first two inaugural addresses. The beginning of the letter is similar to the Second Inaugural Address in that he is telling the Indians the benefits of them moving west.

Who was General Winfield Scott?

Winfield Scott, (born June 13, 1786, Petersburg, Va., U.S.—died May 29, 1866, West Point, N.Y.), American army officer who held the rank of general in three wars and was the unsuccessful Whig candidate for president in 1852. He was the foremost American military figure between the Revolution and the Civil War.

Why was there an Indian Removal Act?

Since Indian tribes living there appeared to be the main obstacle to westward expansion, white settlers petitioned the federal government to remove them. Under this kind of pressure, Native American tribes—specifically the Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Choctaw—realized that they could not defeat the Americans in war.

What rank was Winfield Scott?

Was Winfield Scott a president?

Despite being a Virginia native, Scott stayed loyal to the Union and served as an important adviser to President Abraham Lincoln during the opening stages of the Civil War….

Winfield Scott
Died May 29, 1866 (aged 79) West Point, New York, U.S.
Resting place West Point Cemetery, West Point, New York
Political party Whig

How many Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears?

At Least 3,000 Native Americans Died on the Trail of Tears. Check out seven facts about this infamous chapter in American history. Cherokee Indians are forced from their homelands during the 1830’s.

What was the purpose of Andrew Jackson’s message?

What is the main point of General Scott’s speech?

The main-point of General Scott’s speech was to tell the Cherokee Indians that the American Government has provided sufficient time for the Cherokee’s to move to the West and since the Indians had not moved force was now going to be imposed. He tries to be as friendly as possible with the Indians by saying “My friends!”

What is the summary of the letter dated January 19 1864?

In one letter dated January 19, 1864, Scott described the hanging of a rebel spy in one paragraph and moved on to recollections of the Christmas season in the next.

How many letters did Newton Scott write Hannah cone?

Newton Scott, a private in the Iowa Volunteers, epitomized the soldier’s need to hear from family and friends in a letter to his childhood companion Hannah Cone: “Well, Miss Han, I will tell you that I and Will has written about a dozen letters since we left home, and received but two or three letters.

What did Civil War letter-writers think about the war?

Not all Civil War letter-writers had such pleasant thoughts as love of home and family on their minds. James Paxton, a Confederate soldier confined as a prisoner of war in Indiana’s Camp Morton, described the atrocities he faced there in a letter to his friend Val Giles.