What to do if you see a Ocelot?

What to do if you see a Ocelot?

Immediately contact the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service at any of the following phone numbers:

  1. Your name and a phone number where you can be reached.
  2. Location, time and type of sighting.
  3. Identifying marks that confirm it was an ocelot and not a bobcat.
  4. Directions on how to get to the location.

Is a bobcat and ocelot the same?

Southern Texas is home to two similar species of small wild cat: the ocelot, which is a federally endangered habitat specialist, and the bobcat, a thriving habitat generalist. Ocelots and bobcats are sympatric, meaning they occur in the same geographic range. …

What’s the difference between ocelot and serval?

Ocelot has slender body, rounded ears, large front paws and long tail. Serval is also slender cat. It has the longest legs (relative to the body size) in the family of cats. Ocelot has smooth, yellowish-brown or reddish-brown fur covered with black spots arranged in rosettes (hence the nickname ” dwarf leopard”).

Are ocelots active during the day?

Ocelots are nocturnal (active at night) and also sometimes diurnal (active during the day) and very territorial. It will fight fiercely, sometimes to the death, in territorial disputes. Like most felines, it is solitary, usually meeting only to mate.

Do ocelots cross territory with each other?

A male will not cross territories with another male, but he may have several females within his territory. While patrolling their territories, ocelots scent mark trees and bushes using urine. This allows animals to communicate with one another, and females to advertise when they’re fertile.

How big is an ocelot compared to a human?

While larger than housecats, ocelots only come up to an adult male human’s knee. Ocelots grow to around 29 to 39 inches (73 to 100 centimeters) — females are slightly smaller. Males weigh 15 to 34 lbs.

What are the threats to ocelots?

Humans and ocelots rarely have positive interactions. The primary threat to ocelots today is habitat destruction and deforestation. Ocelots utilize dense vegetation to survive, and loss of habitat can be devastating to the cats.