What theme did Marigolds and To Kill a Mockingbird share?

What theme did Marigolds and To Kill a Mockingbird share?

Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Eugenia Coolliers short story “Marigolds” evoke the most empathy by showing the growth of morals like empathy and compassion in the characters.

How would you describe Lizabeth or Miss Lottie in Marigolds?

An imposing, stern, elderly woman, Miss Lottie is the target of the neighborhood kids, who make a sport of taunting her, damaging her prized marigolds, and calling her a witch. They circulate legends about her amongst themselves, viewing her as an almost mythical villain instead of a woman from the neighborhood.

Is Lizabeth a round character in Marigolds?

Lizabeth is the protagonist. She is the main character of the story. She matures faster than everyone else in the story. She is very round because by the end of the story she changes a lot.

Is Lizabeth a dynamic or flat character in Marigolds?

Lizabeth is a dynamic character because she changes from naive to compassionate. Miss Lottie is a static character because we never see her grow or change in understanding throughout “Marigolds”.

How does Lizabeth feel about the marigolds?

How did Lizabeth feel after she ruined the marigolds? She felt ashamed for destroying the beauty that Miss Lottie had created (cultivated) in the ugly shanty space they lived.

Is Lizabeth a round or flat character?

-Elizabeth is a round character. The reader knows she is 14, lives in a poor black community, has two parents, is upset by her families’ difficulties with money, and much more. She is a dynamic character. Elizabeth turns from being a child in the beginning to an adult at the end.

How does Lizabeth feel about the Marigolds?

How does Lizabeth feel about the Marigolds in the beginning?

When she comes face to face with Miss Lottie after destroying the marigolds, Elizabeth is able, for the first time, to perceive the damage that she has inflicted on another human being. By seeing “into the depths of another person,” she feels compassion for the first time.

How did Lizabeth describe the Marigolds?

Chief among Lizabeth and Joey’s concerns was that Miss Lottie’s marigolds looked out of place on her property: They interfered with the perfect ugliness of the place; they were too beautiful; they said too much that we could not understand; they did not make sense.

Why did Lizabeth hate the Marigolds?

Lizabeth was so upset by her own life and her father’s tears that she became angry and confused. In her confusion, she chooses to let out her own anger by destroying something, the marogolds, because they were precious to Miss Lottie.

How did Lizabeth describe the marigolds?