What question must the knight answer to save his head?

What question must the knight answer to save his head?

women most desire
His punishment for doing so is death; he is to have his head cut off. However, the King agrees to hand him over to the Queen. The Queen tells the Knight that he must come up with the answer to this question: What do women most desire? If he can come up with the correct answer, the Queen will spare his life.

What must the knight find out to save his life?

*She gives the knight a chance to save his life. *She asks the knight to find out what women really want or desire. He needs to find out within a year and a day or he will be beheaded. *Turns into a beautiful, young, FAITHFUL woman because the knight gave her the opportunity to choose herself.

What must the knight do to save his head ie what mission does the court give him )?

What must the knight do to save his head? He must go out for a year and a day to find the answer to “what is it that women want most?” How long does the knight have to fulfill this mission? What problem does the knight find when he starts asking women what they want?

What does the knight have to do in order to be spared his life?

The Queen tells the knight that he will be spared his life if he can discover for her what it is that women most desire, and allots him a year and a day in which to roam wherever he pleases and return with an answer.

How does the knight respond to this choice?

She offers the knight a choice: either he can have her be ugly but loyal and good, or he can have her young and fair but also coquettish and unfaithful. The knight ponders in silence. Finally, he replies that he would rather trust her judgment, and he asks her to choose whatever she thinks best.

Does Sir Gawain have a wife?

The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle (The Weddynge of Syr Gawen and Dame Ragnell) is a 15th-century English poem, one of several versions of the “loathly lady” story popular during the Middle Ages.

Why do you think the queen spared the knight’s head?

The queen handled the knights punishment by not taking his head and giving him a chance to save his life. In order to stay alive the queen ordered the knight to find the answer to ” What is it that women desire the most? “.

Under what condition does the queen say the knight may save his life?

The queen says that the knight may save his life by answering a question, “What do women desire the most?” He has a year and a day to answer this question.

What did the knight do to warrant the punishment?

After the Wife of Bath’s prologue, the Summoner insulted the Friar. 13. What did the knight do to warrant the punishment of beheading? He raped a young maiden.

Who saved the knight and under what condition was he let go?

The Queen
14. Who saved the knight, and under what condition was he let go? The Queen saved him. He was let go under the condition that he would come back in one year to tell her what one thing women wanted above all else.

What is the answer to the knight’s riddle?

When the two appear at court, the young knight provides the answer to the riddle: Women want power over their husbands. The queen acknowledges that this is the correct answer. Staying true to his promise, the young knight does what is next asked of him by the old woman: he marries her.

Did the knight learn his lesson?

The knight eventually learns his lesson, although it takes him a while. With him, then, the tale seems to be encouraging women not to give up hope on the men in their lives; they may make some mistakes, but they’ll come around in the end.

How did the Green Knight lose his head?

Gawain strikes and cuts the knight’s head clear off so that it falls and rolls, bloody, across the hall of the floor. Despite losing his head, the Green Knight does not lose his footing. Instead he picks up the head and gets back on his horse, then aims the head toward them, and tells Gawain to find him a year’s hence in the Green Chapel.

What happens to the Green Knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

The Green Knight bows and bares his neck for Gawain. Gawain strikes and cuts the knight’s head clear off so that it falls and rolls, bloody, across the hall of the floor. Despite losing his head, the Green Knight does not lose his footing.

What does the Green Knight see in the contract?

The rules are very important to the Green Knight and the numerous recitations of the game’s structure suggest that the Green Knight sees himself and Gawain entering into a kind of contract. Yet the Green Knight is also wily, and does not include revealing his own name or where he lives as part of that contract.

What is the Green Knight’s game in a Knight’s tale?

The suddenly revealed life and death stakes of the Green Knight’s “game” exposes the revelries of the court as true, empty games. The Green Knight’s game is one requiring true courage—to enter into what seems to be a life and death contest with a supernatural being for no reason other than pride.