What is translation in DNA?

What is translation in DNA?

Translation is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of base pairs in a gene and the corresponding amino acid sequence that it encodes.

What translation means?

Translation is the process by which a protein is synthesized from the information contained in a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). Translation occurs in a structure called the ribosome, which is a factory for the synthesis of proteins.

What is the basic definition of translation?

Definition of translation 1 : an act, process, or instance of translating: such as. a : a rendering from one language into another also : the product of such a rendering. b : a change to a different substance, form, or appearance : conversion.

What is translation in science?

Listen to pronunciation. (trans-LAY-shun) In biology, the process by which a cell makes proteins using the genetic information carried in messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA is made by copying DNA, and the information it carries tells the cell how to link amino acids together to form proteins.

What is translation Wikipedia?

Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. A translator always risks inadvertently introducing source-language words, grammar, or syntax into the target-language rendering.

What is translation in science definition?

What is the best definition for translate?

To translate is to put into a different language or interpret. When used that way, translate means changing something from one form to another.

What is translation in biology class 12?

Hint: Translation is the process of translating the sequence of m RNA (messenger RNA) into a sequence of amino acids. This translation takes place during protein synthesis. Here, the relationship between the sequence of base pairs and the corresponding amino acid(which encodes) describes the genetic code.

What is translation in biology class 10?

Translation is the process by which tRNA having anticodon to the codon on the mRNA, supplies amino acids, as per the message on mRNA.

What is theory of translation?

This theory, based on a solid foundation on understanding of how languages work, translation theory recognizes that different languages encode meaning in differing forms, yet guides translators to find appropriate ways of preserving meaning, while using the most appropriate forms of each language. the source language.

What is the main purpose of translation?

In biology, the process by which a cell makes proteins using the genetic information carried in messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA is made by copying DNA, and the information it carries tells the cell how to link amino acids together to form proteins.

What does translation mean in math?

A translation is a transformation that occurs when a figure is moved from one location to another location without changing its size, shape or orientation. To translate the point P(x,y) , a units right and b units up, use P'(x+a,y+b) . …