What is the time span of Act II in Anne Frank?

What is the time span of Act II in Anne Frank?

The time span of Act II is a year or more. The Characters in the end of Act I are tense and scared while in the beginning of Act II they are more calm not really scared but still tense. Anne is definitely less happy and energetic. You just studied 8 terms!

What year is it as we start Act 2?

[P]eople are meant to go through life two by two. ‘Tain’t natural to be lonesome. The Stage Manager watches the audience return from intermission, and announces that three years have passed. It is now July 7, 1904, just after commencement at the local high school.

What year is it at the end of Act II Scene I Anne Frank?

January 19, 1944, and they are still in their hiding place. They have been there 1 year, 5 months, and 25 days. Anne is writing in her diary, and the others are bundled against the cold, lying down, reading or in their own rooms.

What happened in Act 2 of The Diary of Anne Frank?

Anne fires off a storm of repressed anger about being a teenager trapped in the war. She blames the grownups for her problems and explodes on her mother. But after slamming the door and forgetting her cake, she discovers an unlikely ally in Peter.

What happened with Anne and Peter in Act 2 Scene 2?

Peter freaks about Anne possibly being prevented from seeing him again by the parents, and Anne soothes him by basically saying, “not a chance.” At which time we feel like Peter’s sort of the wimpy one in this relationship until he grabs Anne by the arms and pecks her on the cheek—aww!

How was Mr Frank changed at the end of Act 2 after reading Anne’s diary?

Frank changed at the end of Act 2 after reading Anne’s diary? He was angry. He was calm. At the end of Act 2, Anne’s statement that “in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart” shows that she…

How much time has passed between act I and act II Anne Frank?

How much time has passed between Act I and Act II and how long has everybody been hiding in the secret annex at the beginning of Act II? Act 2 takes place 1 year between the acts, and they have been hiding for 18 months in the Annex. What are some of the things Anne and Peter talk about?

What is the midpoint of act 2?

The midpoint is the most arguable of the story points in the classic three act structure. It’s the axis upon which the second act revolves, it clarifies the arc, the stakes, and the tone of the exploration of the script. Midpoints are incredibly useful, so they’re worth talking about.

How long have the families been in hiding Act 2 Scene 1?

This scene starts on January first in 1944. They have been hiding for one year, five months and twenty-five days. Anne is writing in her diary while everyone else is either reading, lying down, or taking the laundry down (Mrs. Frank.)

What happened in Act 2 Scene 3 of The Diary of Anne Frank?

Van Daan is caught by Mrs. Frank stealing food from the food safe in the middle of the night. He complains he is hungry. Frank loses her calm and screams at him that everyone is hungry, and she is watching the children, his own child, getting thinner; this food should have gone to them.

What is Peter doing at the beginning of scene 2 in Act 2?

What is Peter doing at the beginning of Scene 2 in Act 2? He is getting dressed with a tie on and smoothing his hair. He is getting ready for a visit from Anne.