What is the synonym of transmute?

What is the synonym of transmute?

Frequently Asked Questions About transmute Some common synonyms of transmute are convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transform, and transmogrify. While all these words mean “to change a thing into a different thing,” transmute implies transforming into a higher element or thing.

What does Transmutting mean?

Meaning of transmuting in English to change something completely, especially into something different and better: A few centuries ago alchemists thought they could transmute lead into gold.

Which type of decay does not undergo transmutation?

Gamma radiation does not cause transmutations.

What is transmutation of energy?

The law of perpetual transmutation of energy asserts that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Still, it changes from one state to another. This means that the energy in the universe is always transmuting into and out of form. You can tap into this energy and transform it into anything that you desire.

What does transmuting passions mean?

Think of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. Transmuting our passions takes time. The term passion refers to impulses, delusions, ignorance, and other afflictive mental states. They prevent us from seeing the truth of each moment. They cloud our judgment and are deeply rooted inside us.

What is Transmutation in chemistry?

Transmutation, conversion of one chemical element into another. A transmutation entails a change in the structure of atomic nuclei and hence may be induced by a nuclear reaction (q.v.), such as neutron capture, or occur spontaneously by radioactive decay, such as alpha decay and beta decay (qq.v.).

What is natural transmutation?

Natural transmutation is the natural process by which one chemical or isotope changes into another.This can occur through radioactive decay or nuclear reactions.

How are elements artificially transmuted?

Artificial transmutation is the process by which an element was converted into another element artificially. This was first shown on the nitrogen whose nucleus was bombarded with a-particles in order to produce oxygen. In the process of converting nitrogen into an oxygen, induced radioactivity is also done.