What is the difference between a chemical and physical explosion?

What is the difference between a chemical and physical explosion?

Chemical: Chemical explosions occur due to either decomposition or combination reactions, which are both exothermic reactions. Consequently, the rapid expansion of gas which is released forms a shock wave. Mechanical: A mechanical explosion requires a physical reaction which is neither chemical nor nuclear.

What makes explosions different from burning?

An explosion is a violent release of energy caused by a physical or chemical reaction. It is accompanied by a rapid increase in pressure and usually temperature. The high speed of reaction distinguishes the explosive reaction from an ordinary combustion. Energy, usually heat, is needed to start all the above reactions.

What kind of chemical reactions cause explosions?

One more important section related to combustion is the “explosive” chemical. Explosives are substances that undergo a rapid oxidation reaction with the production of large quantities of gases. It is the sudden buildup of gas pressure (see products above) that constitutes the nature of an explosion.

Why is an explosion a fast chemical reaction?

Blast waves from high explosives (for example, TNT) are close to the ideal wave, due essentially to the relatively small volume of explosive material and the rapid rate of energy release [6] that is associated with a very fast chemical reaction.

What is the difference between chemical reaction and chemical change?

Chemical Changes are also called Chemical Reactions. Chemical reactions involve combining different substances. The chemical reaction produces a new substance with new and different physical and chemical properties.

What are the different types of explosive and their characteristics?

explosive, any substance or device that can be made to produce a volume of rapidly expanding gas in an extremely brief period. There are three fundamental types: mechanical, nuclear, and chemical. A mechanical explosive is one that depends on a physical reaction, such as overloading a container with compressed air.

How do chemical explosions occur?

Chemical explosions are caused by either decomposition or combination reactions that produce large amounts of extremely hot gas, which expands rapidly and increases pressure. When dynamite is ignited, it will burn rapidly and release incredibly hot gas and an explosion.

What do explosions have in common with burning?

All explosions, regardless of their source, are characterized by a large release of energy, the production of gas molecules that expand quickly, and a rapid rate of reaction. Burning sugar—chemically known as sucrose (C12H22O11)—produces energy almost immediately.

What are explosion reactions?

combustion theory In combustion: Explosions. The transition from combustion to explosion is caused by an acceleration of the reaction, induced either by a rise in temperature or by increasing lengths of the reaction chain. The first is called thermal explosion, and the second is called chain explosion.

How is an explosion a chemical change?

The explosion of fireworks is an example of chemical change. During a chemical change, substances are changed into different substances. Another words, the composition of the substance changes.

What are the differences between physical and Chemical Reactions in chemistry?

Chemical Changes. Physical changes are reversible and do not produce a new substance. Chemical changes result in the production of a new substance and cannot be reversed.

What is the difference between flammable and explosive?

As adjectives the difference between flammable and explosive is that flammable is capable of burning, especially a liquid while explosive is with the capability to, or likely to, explode.

What type of explosion occurs in a chemical reaction?

Chemical: Chemical explosions occur due to either decomposition or combination reactions, which are both exothermic reactions. Consequently, the rapid expansion of gas which is released forms a shock wave. There are two types of chemical explosives: High-Order Explosives and Low-Order Explosives.

What is the nature of an explosion?

It is the sudden buildup of gas pressure (see products above) that constitutes the nature of an explosion. The speed at which explosives decompose permits their classification as high or low explosives. The shock wave produced by the expanding gases causes much of the damage associated with an explosion. TNT is explosive for two reasons:

What is the difference between a mechanical explosion and nuclear explosion?

Mechanical explosions involve the internal pressure of a contained gas becoming too high and expanding beyond the container’s strength, resulting in the container bursting and the contained gas escaping, creating an explosion. Nuclear explosions are caused by either fusion or fission reactions.

What is the difference between a shock wave and explosion?

The shock wave can cause substantial damage. Potential energy may exist in either of three forms before an explosion occurs: nuclear , chemical, or physical. Generally, nuclear explosions are much larger and more destructive than chemical or physical explosions. Chemical explosions are more frequent than nuclear or physical explosions.