What is the area of Ontario 2020?

What is the area of Ontario 2020?

Ontario has an estimated population of 13.6 million living in a total area of 1,076,395 square kilometers, or more than 415,000 square miles.

Whats bigger Texas or Ontario?

Texas is 695,662 km², and clearly smaller than Ontario. In fact, most of Texas can fit in Ontario.

Is Ontario as big as California?

Ontario (Canada) is 2.7 times larger than California (USA). Ontario (Canada) is 2.7 times larger than California (USA).

Is Ontario Canada bigger than England?

England is 0.12 times as big as Ontario (Canada) Ontario is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. Located in Central Canada, it is Canada’s most populous province, with 38.3 percent of the country’s population, and is the second-largest province by total area (after Quebec).

How is Ontario divided?

Ontario is divided into two larger regions, Northern and Southern Ontario. Northern Ontario is divided into Northwestern Ontario and Northeastern Ontario. Southern Ontario is further divided into Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, and Southwestern Ontario, essentially creating 5 distinct regions.

What is the capital of Ontario?

TorontoOntario / Capital

Ontario’s capital city, Toronto, is Canada’s most populous municipality with nearly 3 million people. The city is also ranked as one of the most multicultural in the world with half of its population born outside Canada.

How big is Alberta vs Ontario?

Canada is the world’s second-largest country in total area since its territories and provinces cover an area of 3.855 million square miles….The Largest And Smallest Canadian Provinces/Territories By Area.

Rank Province or Territory Land Area (sq km)
4 British Columbia 925,186
5 Ontario 917,741
6 Alberta 642,317
7 Saskatchewan 591,670

Is Ontario bigger than Scotland?

Ontario (Canada) is 14 times as big as Scotland Located in Central Canada, it is Canada’s most populous province, with 38.3 percent of the country’s population, and is the second-largest province by total area (after Quebec).

Is Ontario bigger than France?

Ontario is Canada’s second largest province, covering more than 1 million square kilometres (415,000 square miles) – an area larger than France and Spain combined.

Is Ontario or Alaska bigger?

Alaska (USA) is 37% larger than Ontario (Canada). Alaska (USA) is 37% larger than Ontario (Canada).

Is Germany bigger than Ontario?

Ontario (Canada) is 3 times larger than Germany.

Is France bigger than Ontario?

France is 0.51 times as big as Ontario (Canada)