What is it called in between waves?

What is it called in between waves?

The highest surface part of a wave is called the crest, and the lowest part is the trough. The vertical distance between the crest and the trough is the wave height. The horizontal distance between two adjacent crests or troughs is known as the wavelength.

What is the middle of the waves called?

In this picture you can see that the highest point on the graph of the wave is called the crest and the lowest point is called the trough. The line through the center of the wave is the resting position of the medium if there was no wave passing through.

What is the time between waves called?

Wave Period: The time it takes for two successive crests (one wavelength) to pass a specified point. The wave period is often referenced in seconds, e.g. one wave every 6 seconds.

What is the valley between two waves called?

Wave Trough: is the valley between wave crests below average water level. Wave Height: Is the vertical distance between a wave crest and the adjacent trough. Wavelength: is the horizontal distance between two successive crests (or troughs)

What are the parts of an ocean wave?

  • Waves.
  • crest-the very top of the wave.
  • trough-the hollow between two crests.
  • wave height-the vertical distance between the top of one wave crest and the bottom of the next trough.
  • wavelength-the horizontal distance between any one point on one wave and the corresponding point on the next.

What are the basic parts of a wave?


  • crest. Noun. the top of a wave.
  • wave. Noun. moving swell on the surface of water.
  • wave height. Noun. the distance between a wave’s trough and crest.
  • wavelength. Noun. the distance between the crests of two waves.
  • wave trough. Noun. the lowest part of a wave.

What are the top part of waves called?

The highest part of the wave is called the crest. The lowest part is called the trough. The wave height is the overall vertical change in height between the crest and the trough and distance between two successive crests (or troughs) is the length of the wave or wavelength.

What are parts of the wave?

What are the parts of wave?

What are the 5 parts of a wave called?