What is a Foa (Foa)?
A FOA is a publicly available document in which a Federal agency makes known its intentions to award Discretionary Award, usually as a result of competition for funds.
What is AFI Foa?
A FOA is a publicly available document in which a Federal agency makes known its intentions to award discretionary grants or cooperative agreements, usually as a result of competition for funds.
What is an NIH Foa?
FOAs include information to allow prospective applicants to determine whether to apply. NIH FOAs primarily fall into the categories of Program Announcements, Requests for Applications and Parent Announcements. While individual announcements will continue to carry an announcement number reference to PA or RFA, all announcements are FOAs.
What is a FOA announcement?
While individual announcements will continue to carry an announcement number reference to PA or RFA, all announcements are FOAs. This general term is used to reference any type of funding announcement.