What happens to the atomic radius as you go down Group 1?

What happens to the atomic radius as you go down Group 1?

Progressing down group 1, the atomic radius increases due to the extra shell of electrons for each element. This is because as the ions get larger the distance between the bonding electrons and the positive nucleus gets larger and reduces the overall attraction between the two.

How does the atomic radius in Group 1 change going across a period?

In general, atomic radius decreases across a period and increases down a group. Across a period, effective nuclear charge increases as electron shielding remains constant. Down a group, the number of energy levels (n) increases, so there is a greater distance between the nucleus and the outermost orbital.

What happens to the atomic radii as you go from Group 1 to group 18 in a period?

As you go across a period on the periodic table, the atomic radius decreases. This happens because the attraction the nucleus has on it’s surrounding electrons increases as a result of additional protons.

Why do atomic radii decrease from left to right across a period of the periodic table?

Atomic size gradually decreases from left to right across a period of elements. This is because, within a period or family of elements, all electrons are added to the same shell. However, at the same time, protons are being added to the nucleus, making it more positively charged.

What happens as you go down group 1?

The reactivity of Group 1 elements increases as you go down the group because: the outer electron gets further from the nucleus as you go down the group. the attraction between the nucleus and outer electron gets weaker as you go down the group – so the electron is more easily lost.

How do atomic radii vary in a group?

In general, the atomic radius decreases as we move from left to right in a period with an increase in the nuclear charge of the element. The atomic radius increases when we go down a group because of the addition of an extra shell.

What is the trend in atomic radii as you move from left to right across a period quizlet?

Across a period from left to right, the covalent radius decreases. As you move from left to right across the periodic table, atoms have more electrons in their outer energy level and more protons in their nucleus. As you move down a group in the periodic table, the covalent radius increases.

What is the trend in atomic radii as you move from left to right across a period?

On the periodic table, atomic radius generally decreases as you move from left to right across a period (due to increasing nuclear charge) and increases as you move down a group (due to the increasing number of electron shells).

Why do group 1 get more reactive as you go down?

Why does reactivity increase down group 1 but decrease down group 7?

Reactivity decreases down the group. This is because group 7 elements react by gaining an electron. As you move down the group, the amount of electron shielding increases, meaning that the electron is less attracted to the nucleus.

How ionic radii vary in a period and in a group?

The size of an element’s ionic radius follows a predictable trend on the periodic table. As you move down a column or group, the ionic radius increases. This is because each row adds a new electron shell. Ionic radius decreases moving from left to right across a row or period.