What does Scout notice in front of the Radley place?

What does Scout notice in front of the Radley place?

One day, Scout notices something shiny in a tree at the edge of the Radley yard. When she goes back to investigate, she finds a stick of gum. Jem admonishes her for taking the gum, but Scout continues to check the knothole daily.

What happens to Scout in front of the Radley house at the end of Ch 8?

Scout is wrapped in a blanket that she didn’t have when she left the house. Scout says that she stayed right where he told her to, in front of the Radley Place, but she and Jem saw Mr. Nathan fighting the fire. So if he wasn’t the stealthy blanket-deliverer, it must have been some other occupant of that house.

How did Scout end up in the Radley’s yard Chapter 4?

Earlier in the chapter, Scout says, “Let’s roll in the tire.” She gets inside the tire, and Jem gives her a push. Scout ends up in the Radley’s front yard after bumping into the porch steps of their house.

What did Scout reveal about the time she once rolled into the Radley yard in a tire?

What does scout reveal she heard as she was rolling into the radley front yard? She reveals she heard laughter. How did scout end up in front of the radley place front steps? She was rolling in the tire and landed there.

When Scout falls out of the tire what causes her to believe that Boo Radley is still alive?

Summary: Chapter 5 She tells Scout that Boo Radley is still alive and it is her theory Boo is the victim of a harsh father (now deceased), a “foot-washing” Baptist who believed that most people are going to hell. Miss Maudie adds that Boo was always polite and friendly as a child.

What is the relationship between Scout and Boo Radley?

Although the relationship starts out as fear and mystery, as time passes, Scout begins to realize that Boo isn’t the monster they described him as, he is rather a nice and caring person. In the beginning of the book Stephanie Crawford, the town gossiper, justifies that she knows everything about Boo Radley.

How did scout get closer to the Radley’s house?

Scout had already gotten closer to the Radley house than she had ever planned when the tire in which she was riding rolled onto the Radley’s front steps. When her head finally cleared, she realized that she was staring right at the steps that led the dreaded Radley porch.

How did Jem and scout rescue scout from the Radleys?

When it’s Scout’s turn, Jem gives the tire a big push and the tire rolls into the Radley yard and ends up resting against the porch. Scout is too dizzy to get up and run, so Jem courageously runs into the yard to rescue her from the Radley’s overgrown, weed-filled yard.

Why did scout hear Boo Radley laugh inside the House?

Scout isn’t sad about this, and it makes her recall the day she’d rolled into the Radley yard inside a tire. She had heard laughing inside the house, and from the other clues she’s provided at this point, we can infer that the laughter came from Boo Radley himself.

How did Jem roll down the street with the tire?

Scout, Jem , and Dill are playing in the street in front their house with an old tire. They take turns getting inside the tire and rolling down the street. When it’s Scout’s turn, Jem gives the tire a big push and the tire rolls into the Radley yard…