What does M M mean before a name?

What does M M mean before a name?

M. is Monsieur (French for Mister) and Mme. is Madame (French for, well, Madam, of which there isn’t an abbreviated form in English). Both of these titles are used in English-speaking contexts if the person holding the title prefers to be addressed in a foreign honorific.

What does M mean in year?

Millennium (M) is a period of one thousand years. The term derives from the Latin mille , meaning thousand, and annum , meaning year.

What do you write in front of a girl’s name?

thereare several possibilities:

  • Use Mrs. + the woman’s given. name + the woman’s married name: Mrs. Mary Smith. Mrs.
  • Use Mrs. + the woman’s married. name only: Mrs. Smith. Mrs.
  • Use Mrs. + her husband’s given. name + her husband’s surname: Mrs. John Smith.
  • Use a combination of #1 and #3: Mrs. Mary Smith (Mrs. John Smith) Mrs.

What is M in French?

monsieur, abbreviation M, the French equivalent both of “sir” (in addressing a man directly) and of “mister,” or “Mr.” Etymologically it means “my lord” (mon sieur).

What does M stand for in love?

Mother ~ M Stands for Magnificent, O Stands for Outstanding, T Stands for Tender, H Stands for Honorable, E Stands for Extraordinary, R Stands for Remarkable. Happy Mother’s Day!!

What does MN mean in texting?

(Internet slang, text messaging) Abbreviation of mean.

What does mm mean from a girl?

What Does MM Mean? This slang is used most often as an acronym on the internet and in text messaging to represent the phrase “married man.” The phrase is typically used by a side chick to refer to the guy they are with if they are in a relationship with while the guy is still married to someone else. Origin of MM.

What is Ms infront of name?

Ms. is a title of respect before a woman’s name or position that does not indicate her marital status.

How do you address a younger girl?

  1. “Miss” should be used when addressing a young, unmarried woman.
  2. Using “Ms.” is often the safest option, as this is a neutral title that can be used for a woman whether she is married or not.
  3. “Mrs.” is the official title to use for a married woman.

Is M short for Monsieur?

monsieur, abbreviation M, the French equivalent both of “sir” (in addressing a man directly) and of “mister,” or “Mr.” Etymologically it means “my lord” (mon sieur). As an honorific title in the French royal court, it came to be used to refer to or address the eldest living brother of the king.

What is M and Mme in English?

= Mister (Mr.) Mme = Missus (Mrs) Mlle = Miss (no abbreviation, unless you use: Ms). Mrs is the abbreviation of the no-longer-used word «Mistress» as the female equivalent of «Mister».