What does Juliet say to her father?

What does Juliet say to her father?

Juliet tells her father that she will agree to follow his wishes and marry Paris. Juliet is, however, carrying out Friar Laurence’s plan to deceive her family, avoid marrying Paris, and reunite with Romeo.

Why does Juliet say that makes her father happy?

What does Juliet say that Makes her father happy? Juliet tells her father that she will marry Paris. Some fears Juliet has about the potion is she will suffocate; Friar makes poison, not potion; she will wake up and go crazy and bash her brains in.

What does Juliet say in Scene 2 that makes her father happy?

Scene 2: What does Juliet say that makes her father happy? That she will marry Paris, and is sorry for what she said earlier. Scene 2: How does Capulet change the wedding plans?

What does Juliet do with her father?

Paris thinks Juliet is talking about him during their discussion. So she was going to tell her parents that she had confessed to the father and he told her to marry Paris and obey her Father. She is expected to get married the next day.

How does Juliet feel about her father?

Juliet, of course, does not want to marry Paris, but she is not particularly disrespectful to her father. She’s not the one who tells him she won’t marry Paris — her mother does that. When he gets mad, she begs him not to make her marry Paris, but that is about all she says to him.

What does Juliet say to her father that indicates that she agrees to marry Paris?

What does Juliet say that makes her father happy? She says that she will marry Paris. What are some of the fears Juliet has about the potion? She fears that no one will come get her and she fears she will suffocate and die.

What is Capulet happily doing in Act 4?

Summary: Act 4, scene 2 Capulet is so pleased that he insists on moving the marriage up a day, to Wednesday—tomorrow. Juliet heads to her chambers to, ostensibly, prepare for her wedding. Capulet heads off to tell Paris the news.

What does Juliet say that makes her father happy in Act 4 Scene 2?

Summary and Analysis Act IV: Scene 2. Juliet returns to the Capulet house to find wedding preparations well underway. She tells her father that she will abide by his wishes and agree to marry Paris. Lord Capulet is so overjoyed at the news that he decides to move the wedding from Thursday to Wednesday.

How does Juliet deceive her father in this scene?

An instance in which Juliet deceives her parents through a confession in Act 3, Scene 5 can be seen in her lines, “I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear / It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate” (124-25).

How does Juliet respond to her father in Scene 5?

In Act III, Scene 5, Juliet learns that her father has arranged for her to be married to Count Paris. She becomes distraught and refuses to obey her father’s wishes because she has already secretly married Romeo and even consummated the marriage the night before.

What does Juliet do when she sees her father?

Summary: Act 4, scene 2 Juliet returns home, where she finds Capulet and Lady Capulet preparing for the wedding. She surprises her parents by repenting her disobedience and cheerfully agreeing to marry Paris.