What does Gene accuse Finny of?

What does Gene accuse Finny of?

Finny says that something made him lose his balance and that he looked over to Gene to see if he could reach him. Gene recoils violently and accuses Finny of wanting to drag him down with him.

Why does Gene accuse Finny of pulling him down?

Why does Gene accuse Finny of trying to pull him down? He accuses him because Finny is always interrupting Gene’s studies and making him waste time. He says that Gene looks even worse than he does and has the same shocked expression when Finny fell out of the tree.

Do you blame Gene for Finny’s death Why or why not?

Gene is indirectly responsible for Finny’s tragic death and acknowledges his role at the end of the story. Although Finny is a completely innocent, selfless individual, Gene is extremely insecure and misinterprets Finny’s intentions by believing that Finny has ulterior motives for undermining his academic success.

Why does Gene want to save face with Phineas?

Discuss why Gene wants to save face with Phineas. Gene doesn’t want Finny to see him because he’s ashamed of himself and feels like he has to keep the friendship. Gene doesn’t trust Finny because he doesn’t trust himself. Examine Phineas’s opinion of sports.

What does Finny say caused him to fall?

How does Finny react when the narrator says that he causes him to fall? Finny doesn’t believe Gene and says that he didn’t do it, Finny thinks that Gene is tired and stressed so he doesn’t know what he is taking about. Finny, Gene, Leper, etc.

How did Finny change after the fall?

Some of the costs of maintaining innocence, for Finny, are the loss of his constant honesty and the new trait of subterfuge. In the context of the story, these costs are attributable to Finny’s broken leg caused by falling out of the tree. After Gene causes Finny his crippling fall, Finny loses some of his innocence.

Why didn’t Gene feel very grateful toward Finny for saving his life?

So, after Finny saves his life, he feels even more indebted, Finny has yet one more thing on him that makes him feel worthless, and so he reacts with bitterness not gratitude. Another reason that Gene isn’t grateful is that when he was up on that tree limb, he was afraid and terrified.

What caused Finny’s death?

Doctor Stanpole broods over his responsibility as the attending physician, but it is Gene, finally, who understands the meaning behind Finny’s unexpected death, caused by the marrow from his leg traveling fatally to his heart.

Why was Finny never afraid and never had any hatred of anyone?

He says that he never killed anyone during his time in the military—that his war was fought at Devon and that it was there that he killed his enemy. Only Finny, Gene reflects, never sensed the existence of an enemy to fight; thus it was that Finny was never afraid and never hated anyone.

What happened that made Gene think that Phineas was trying to sabotage his good grades?

He realizes he can be valedictorian (smartest kid in class). What does Gene think Finny is trying to do to his grades? Gene thinks Finny is trying to sabotage his grades. Finny is surprised because he thinks Gene doesn’t have to study to get good grades.

Why did Gene think Finny didn’t want him?

Gene’s conversation with Finny about academic performances makes him consider the nature of their friendship. He senses that Finny doesn’t want him to excel in his studies. In fact, he thinks, he and Finny are actually rivals. Because Finny isn’t as good in school as him, he doesn’t want Gene to succeed.

Why does Gene not cry when Finny dies?

Although he is overwhelmed by the news of Finny’s death, Gene does not cry, not even at the funeral, because he feels as if it is actually his own funeral. The events following the second fall emphasize the separation between the roommates now that Finny knows Gene’s responsibility in the original accident.

Why does gene feel like he is Finny’s double?

There Gene sees he has become Finny “to the life.” The physical resemblance Gene senses, brings on a surge of Finny’s own unique spirit within him. Unexpectedly, Gene feels free, daring, confident — just like Finny. For a moment, Gene has become Finny’s double.

What does Finny’s loss of physical ability symbolize?

After the fall, Finny determines to make the union of selves real in Gene, by training him to excel in sports as well as academics. For a superb athlete like Finny, the loss of physical ability represents an essential loss of self, a pain expressed in his uncharacteristically bitter remark, “I’ve suffered!”

What is the irony in the story Finny and Gene?

The irony, of course, is that Gene’s own unthinking action will have terrible consequences of its own. As one a scholar and the other an athlete, Gene and Finny have been complementary selves — their abilities completing each other in friendship.

What does Finny represent to gene in the Outsiders?

For Gene, then, Finny represents another version of himself, only better and more powerful. Without even trying, Finny shows Gene up in the most basic, physical way. Even more frustrating, Finny accepts his shorter than average height without difficulty, while the unconfident Gene tries to embellish his own physical stature by adding a half-inch.