What are three examples of condensation?

What are three examples of condensation?

Some examples of condensation include the water that gathers on a bathroom mirror after a hot shower and the water that collects on grass as dew. Condensation is the process where gas molecules slow down and come together to form a liquid. Condensation commonly occurs when a water vapor is cooled off or compressed to its saturation limit.

What are facts about condensation?

Water vapor condenses into a liquid after making contact with the surface of a cold bottle. Condensation is the process in which gas changes into a liquid when it touches a cooler surface. Condensation is an important part of the water cycle.

What are the four types of condensation?

Types of condensation. Two types of condensation exist: visible and concealed. Visible condensation occurs on surfaces as water, frost, and ice. You may see it on insulation vapor retarders, skylights, cold water pipes, and cooling ducts. Concealed condensation is more damaging and difficult to deal with.

What is the process of condensation and how does it happen?

To put it simply, the process of condensation occurs when gaseous water vapor turns to liquid. Condensation is the result when warm air containing tiny molecules of water vapor has been cooled. As warm air rises within the atmosphere, cool air falls, and the cooled water molecules condense.

Common examples of condensation are: dew forming on grass in the early morning, eye glasses fogging up when you enter a warm building on a cold winter day, or water drops forming on a glass holding a cold drink on a hot summer day. Condensation occurs when water droplets form due to cooling air.

What is condensation and its form?

Condensation is the process where water vapor becomes liquid. It is the reverse of evaporation, where liquid water becomes a vapor. Condensation happens one of two ways: Either the air is cooled to its dew point or it becomes so saturated with water vapor that it cannot hold any more water.

How many types of condensation are there?

Four chief forms of condensation are clouds, fog, mist and dew droplets.

What are forms of condensation Brainly?

Answer: Condensation: Dew, Fog, and Clouds. Dew: the water droplets formed by condensation of water vapor on a relatively cold surface of an object. It forms when the temperature of an object drops below the dew point temperature.