What are the consequences of war in Old Man at the Bridge?

What are the consequences of war in Old Man at the Bridge?

The old man at the bridge. This story showed that the war-affected everyone even the sided people. It mainly affected the poor people including the old man and his animals. He got stuck and was the last one to leave the town as he has to take care of his animals as well.

How does Hemingway show us the effect of war on lives of common people through the story of the Old Man at the Bridge?

Answer: The story shows how war, is causing pain on all living beings, no matter how innocent,. The old man, who states that he has no politics, is driven as a refugee from his home, and may be exhausted by his death. He would probably kill his animals.

How can war affect a civilian illustrate from the story the Old Man at the Bridge and after Blenheim?

All wars from big world wars to small civil wars affect the general life of the residential people including the animals. In the story old man at the bridge the old man was an adverse victim of the American civil war. Even he had to leave his animals(name them)who were his sole companion and sole member of his family.

What conflict does Old Man at the Bridge depict?

the Spanish Civil War
Ernest Hemingway´s story “The old man at the bridge“ is about death and war. It takes place during the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s. The story is told by a soldier who is a scout. He has to watch the bridge where refugees flee from the advance of the Fascist army.

What do you learn about the consequences of the war from the story?

The story shows how war inflicts suffering on all living creatures, no matter how innocent. The old man, who states he has no politics, is driven from his home as a war refugee—and he may die of exhaustion. His animals will likely be killed.

How does the author criticizes war in Old Man at the Bridge?

The old man constantly mentions the symbolic death when he says that he’s tired. Thus Hemingway subtly criticizes war and makes us realize that the least destruction that war can cause is destruction of physical property. But the maximum destruction is where people lose their hope as in the case of the old man.

How does Hemingway show that war disrupt the lives of the ordinary people is this portray realistic Why do you think so?

Due to war people are hungry without food, exhausted without rest and travelling without shoes. I believe that war is dangerous for all. This a very realistic portrayal by the author as there are several people who take their responsibilities very seriously and are especially compassionate towards animals.

What do the incidents in the story show about the consequences of the war?

Answer: The story shows how war inflicts suffering on all living creatures, no matter how innocent. The impact of war is here shown in the lives of ordinary people and animals who have to suffer for reasons they can’t understand.

What are the negative effects of war?

Death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability are some of the most threatening physical consequences of war, while post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety are some of the emotional effects.

What is the conclusion of the story Old Man at the Bridge?

Answer: In conclusion the old man was the reflection of the war who lost everything in his life as the effect of the war . Hemingway felt sorry for the old man and the people like him who were mentally broken by the civil war. That is why Hemingway portrays the devasting effects of war through this story.

What is the message of the story the Old Man at the Bridge?

The theme of “The Old Man at the Bridge” is that war not only threatens to destroy the lives of soldiers on the battlefield, but all living beings who happen to be in its path. This anti-war story focuses on what we today would call war’s “collateral damage.”

What is the impact of war in old man at the bridge?

In “Old Man at the Bridge,” war has a devastating impact on both civilians and soldiers. That impact can be seen in the forced displacement of noncombatants and the disintegration of political and social trust. Hover for more information. Who are the experts?

What is the message of the old man at the bridge?

The story ‘Old Man at the Bridge’ is in the form of conversation between a soldier and an old man. The writer takes the ordinary detail and transforms it into a powerful story about the tragedy of war. The old man in the story becomes a symbol of countless civilians who perish in war.

Is the old man at the bridge based on a true story?

The writer found that this short story was based on the author trip as war correspondent during The Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. To conclude, the characters are the reflection of the effect of The Spanish Civil War at that time. Keywords: Old Man At The Bridge, Ernest Hemingway, Spanish Civil War, Characters, Efffect of War 3. 1.

What does Hemingway suggest about the battlefield in old man at the bridge?

If Christ gave his life for mankind, while these men have begun to devalue life itself, then Hemingway suggests that the battlefield is a place without humanity or redemption. The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Life, Death, and War appears in each chapter of Old Man at the Bridge.