What are some environmental problems in the Baltic Sea?

What are some environmental problems in the Baltic Sea?

Fishing: overfishing, bottom trawling and fish farming put pressure on the ecological systems in the Baltic Sea. Pollution (non-eutrophication): this consists mainly of pesticides, waste disposal, sewage, combustion and oil. The Helsinki Convention has identified 132 polluting ‘hot spots’ in the catchment area.

How does climate change affect the Baltic Sea?

The ongoing climate change is causing the temperature in the air and sea to rise, flows of fresh water into the Baltic Sea to increase and more carbon dioxide to be absorbed in the water, causing acidification.

What is happening to the Baltic Sea?

During the last century, the surface water of the Baltic Sea has become about three degrees warmer, even the deep water is two degrees warmer, and that warming is accelerating. Two-thirds of the warming has happened since 1990, and it is very closely following the warming of the atmosphere.

Who is polluting the Baltic Sea?

The Baltic Sea is almost totally surrounded by land and therefore more endangered by pollution than other marine areas. The sources of marine pollution are municipal and industrial waste inputs directly into the sea or via rivers, and atmospheric inputs mainly from traffic and agriculture.

Why is the Baltic Sea in danger?

The latest major threats to the Baltic Sea are the increase in the transportation of oil and chemicals, toxins, marine litter, the arrival of alien species in the Baltic Sea and climate change. There is also a threat from the barrels of poison and other waste was that was dumped in sea several decades ago.

Is the Baltic Sea dirty?

The Baltic Sea is the most polluted sea in the world. There are many rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea which carry waste from the centres of population, from industry as well as from agriculture into the sea. The annual blue-green algae beds can also turn the coastal waters mushy on Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea.

What type of climate is the Baltic Sea?

Climate. Marked seasonality is the principal feature of the Baltic climate. Winters are long and cold, and summers are short and comparatively warm. Mean temperatures range from about 14 °F (− 10 °C) over the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland in midwinter to about 63 °F (17 °C) over southern parts of the Baltic in midsummer …

What type of climate dominates the Baltic states?

There are two main climatic types dominant in much of the Baltic Sea basin: 1) most of the middle and northern areas are dominated by the temperate coniferous-mixed forest zone with long, cold, wet winters, where the mean temperature of the warmest month is no lower than 10°C and that of the coldest month is no higher …

What are the biggest threats against the Baltic Sea?

The Baltic Sea supports unique ecosystems but is severely affected by general threats like biodiversity loss and climate change, and by specific local pressures such as eutrophication, overfishing, elevated levels of contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, and litter, in particular plastic waste.

How much pollution is in the Baltic Sea?

With an average of 0.91 pieces/m2 for all the Baltic surveys (n = 197) the pollution of the Baltic Sea beaches is lower compared to other areas of the world.

Is the Baltic Sea Dead?

The Baltic sea dead zone is considerably the world’s largest dead zone. The Baltic Sea’s sensitive waters have been overwhelmed by phytoplankton, which are depleting the oxygen levels and suffocating marine life. The Baltic Sea is a large and almost entirely closed marine region with both salt and fresh water.

Is the Baltic Sea drinkable?

The Baltic Sea is the world’s largest inland brackish sea. Drinking the surface water of the Baltic as a means of survival would actually hydrate the body instead of dehydrating, as is the case with ocean water.