What are newspaper sections called?

What are newspaper sections called?

Most newspapers are divided into sections. Typical sections include: national/international news; local news; sports; entertainment/amusements; classified advertisements; and neighborhood news.

What is the place where newspapers are printed called?

The post-press area is also often called mailroom because here the copies are prepared for mailing to the customers. Newspaper copies can be bundled directly so that they are ready to be put into a truck for transportation.

What is the editorial section of a newspaper?

Editorials are typically published on a dedicated page, called the editorial page, which often features letters to the editor from members of the public; the page opposite this page is called the op-ed page and frequently contains opinion pieces (hence the name think pieces) by writers not directly affiliated with the …

What is a newspaper title called?

A headline is the title of a newspaper story, printed in large letters at the top of the story, especially on the front page. The headlines are the main points of the news which are read on radio or television.

What are the different parts of a newspaper article?


  • 1.1.1 Headline.
  • 1.1.2 Subhead.
  • 1.1.3 Byline.
  • 1.1.4 Lead.
  • 1.1.5 Body or running text.
  • 1.1.6 Conclusion.

What is gutter space in newspaper?

The inside margins closest to the spine of a book or the blank space between two facing pages in the center of a newsletter or magazine is known as the gutter. The gutter space includes any extra space allowance needed to accommodate the binding of books, booklets, pamphlets, brochures, newspapers, and magazines.

What is the opinion section of a newspaper?

An opinion piece is an article, usually published in a newspaper or magazine, that mainly reflects the author’s opinion about a subject. Opinion pieces are featured in many periodicals.

What is a newspaper writer called?

A journalist is an individual trained to collect/gather information in form of text, audio or pictures, processes them to a news-worthy form and disseminates it to the public. The act or process mainly done by the journalist is called journalism.

What do you call the part of the news report that states the name of its writer?

The byline is the name of the reporter or writer of the article, usually found at the beginning or end of the story.