What are 5 properties of the sun?

What are 5 properties of the sun?

Characteristics of the Sun

  • Mass: 1.98892 x 1030 kg.
  • Diameter: 1,391,000 kilometers.
  • Radius: 695,500 km.
  • Surface gravity of the Sun: 27.94 g.
  • Volume of the Sun: 1.412 x 1018 km3
  • Density of the Sun: 1.622 x 105 kg/m3

What are four characteristics of the sun?

Describes the surface features of the Sun, including sunspots, solar prominences, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections.

What are 3 properties of the sun?

Table 1. Characteristics of the Sun
Characteristic How Found Value
Mean density Mass/volume 1.41 g/cm3 (1400 kg/m3)
Gravitational acceleration at photosphere (surface gravity) GM/R2 27.9 × Earth surface gravity = 273 m/s2
Solar constant Instrument sensitive to radiation at all wavelengths 1370 W/m2

What are the 3 characteristics of the sun?

The Sun consists of about 70% Hydrogen, 28% Helium and 2% of metals such as iron. Other characteristics are its rotation, temperature, and radiation.

What are 3 characteristics of the Sun?

What are 3 physical features of the Sun?

Some features of the Sun’s surface include sunspots, solar flares, and prominences.

What are 10 facts about the sun?

Here are more fun facts about the sun, provided by the NASA Science Space Place:

  • The sun is a star.
  • The sun is the closest star to our planet, which is why we see the sun so big and bright.
  • The Earth orbits around the sun.
  • The sun is way bigger than the Earth.
  • It’s hot!!
  • The sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth.

What are 10 facts about the Sun?

What are 3 physical features of the sun?

What’s a fact about the sun?

The Sun’s surface area is 11,990 times that of the Earth’s. The Sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System. The mass of the Sun is approximately 330,000 times greater than that of Earth. It is almost three quarters Hydrogen, whilst most of the remaining mass is Helium.

What are 3 interesting facts about the sun?

Does sun rotate?

The Sun rotates on its axis once in about 27 days. This rotation was first detected by observing the motion of sunspots. In fact, the Sun’s equatorial regions rotate faster (taking only about 24 days) than the polar regions (which rotate once in more than 30 days).

What are the characteristics of the Sun?

Rotation. The Sun rotates on its axis,which is approximately the same axis that most of the planets revolved around the Sun.

  • Temperature. Its temperature is extremely hot,with the surface being about 5000° C and the center core at 15,600,000° C.
  • Radiation.
  • What are the properties of sunlight?

    Properties of the Sun. What we see when we look at the sun, however, is not a solid, luminous surface, but a spherical layer, called the photosphere, from which the bulk of the solar light comes (see Figure ). Above the photosphere the solar atmosphere is transparent, allowing light to escape.

    What is the Sun’s Solar System?

    The Sun is the largest object within our solar system,comprising 99.8% of the system’s mass.

  • The Sun is located at the center of our solar system,and Earth orbits 93 million miles away from it.
  • Though massive,the Sun still isn’t as large as other types of stars.
  • The Sun’s magnetic field spreads throughout the solar system via the solar wind.
  • What type of Sun is our Sun?

    According to their system of classification, the Sun is known as a yellow dwarf star. This group of stars are relatively small, containing between 80% and 100% the mass of the Sun. So the Sun is at the higher end of this group. The official designation is as a G V star .