What animals start with F in French?

What animals start with F in French?

F is for furet, or ferret. G is for girafe, or giraffe. H is for hippopotame, or hippopotamus. I is for iguane, or iguana.

What animals names in French?


English French Feminine
the cow le boeuf la vache
the bull le taureau /
the horse le cheval la jument
the pig le cochon la truie

What is animal called in French?

AARDVARK oryctérope or cochon de terre ALBERTOSAURUS Albertosaure ANIMALS les animaux
CAMEL le chameau CANARY le canari CHICKEN le poulet
CHIMPANZEE le chimpanzé CLAW la griffe CORAL corail
COW la vache CRAB le crabe CROCODILE le crocodile
CROW la corneille DEER le cerf DINOSAUR le dinosaure

What is crocodile called in French?

Crocodile is translated in French by… Les crocodiles ont des dents acérées.

What are some animals that start with the letter F?

Read below for information on 34 different animals that start with the letter F, from falcon to fur seal. The most popular F animal is the fennec fox, a cute nocturnal animal with exceptional hearing. The least popular is the fire bellied toad, which can appear black, green, grey, brown, yellow, orange, and red.

What are some French words that start with F?

French Verbs Starting with F No. Verb English 1 fabriquer to make, to forge, to manufacture, to fa 2 fabuler to fabricate (stories) 3 fâcher to make angry, to anger 4 faciliter to facilitate, to make easier

What are some good French animal names for animals?

All you need to do is remember whether they are masculine (le, as most of them are) or feminine (la). Anyway, here is the list of some of the “free” French animal names: L’alligator (m) ➔ Alligator Le crocodile ➔ Crocodile La gazelle ➔ Gazelle Le hamster ➔ Hamster Le jaguar ➔ Jaguar Le koala ➔ Koala Le lion ➔ Lion Le…

How many animal Vocab words are there in French?

Ever wonder how to say different kids of animals in French. On this page we’ve compiled a list of over 100 animal vocab words in French? We’ve broken the list down into the following categories: Pets, farm animals, forest animals, sea animals, reptiles and insects.