How many varieties of grass trees are there?

How many varieties of grass trees are there?

30 species
grass tree, (genus Xanthorrhoea), genus of about 30 species of slow-growing perennial plants (family Asphodelaceae) endemic to Australia. Certain species are also known as grass gums because of the red or yellow gumlike resins that exude from the base of old leaves. The resins are used for varnish.

How much does a black boy grow a year?

Fires will burn the leaves and blacken the trunk, but the tree survives as the dead leaves around the stem serve as insulation against the heat of a wildfire. The rate of growth of Xanthorrhoea is very slow. However, this is often generalised to mean they all grow at the rate of about an inch (2½ cm) per year.

How long do black boys live for?

They live for hundreds of years, some have been found to be up to 600 years old. A plant with a metre long trunk for example may already be 100 years old!!!

What are black boy trees called?

Xanthorrhoea australis
Xanthorrhoea australis, the grass tree, austral grasstree or blackboy, is an Australian plant. It is the most commonly seen species of the genus Xanthorrhoea. Its trunk can grow up to several metres tall and is often branched. In certain Aboriginal languages, it is called bukkup, baggup or kawee.

Is Xanthorrhoea a tree?

The common name grass tree is a misnomer: Xanthorrhoea are not grasses, nor are they trees. Actually, they are distantly related to lilies. Xanthorrhoea translates to “yellow flow”, the genus named in reference to the ample resin produced at the bases of their leaves.

How do you grow Xanthorrhoea?

Xanthorrhoea seeds spread out over the surface before covering with a thin layer of soil. To ensure germination: Place the seed tray in a warm (18–22°C) place in the shade and close the lid. Check the seed tray regularly and add moisture if it looks like it is drying out.

How fast do Grasstrees grow?

Most species are extremely slow growing. Studies of some of the taller species found that trunk height increases at about 0.8cm to 6cm per year, but this varies with local environmental conditions1. In any event, grass trees are often very long-lived; some are estimated to be 350 to 450 years old!

Why is my black boy yellow?

The outer/lower leaves are turning yellow / brown or have died off. This is perfectly normal. As new growth emerges from the centre, it forces the older growth to the outside which eventually dies off and hangs down beside the trunk.

Should I burn my grass tree?

Although the trees have developed a way of coping with fires, burning is not needed for health or blooming. Indeed, what it often needed is to feed the specialized bacteria that grow around the roots of the tree and a great deal of patience. Grass trees grow very slowly.

How do I get my grass to flower?

Flower spikes are often produced after fires, when the plant’s growth is stimulated by the ash on the ground. Fire burns out the old foliage from the base of the plant but you can mimic that by having a small, cool fire in winter (if it’s safe) or watering with smoke-infused water to stimulate flower production.

Can you transplant black boy?

These days, there are a few licensed companies who successfully transplant these wonderful plants into pots in a sustainable way. Nowadays black boy plants don’t have to be bulldozed down, but can often be rescued and transplanted prior to clearing.

How many species of Xanthorrhoea are there?

28 species. Distribution of Xanthorrhoea. Synonyms. Acoroides Sol. ex Kite, not validly published. Xanthorrhoea ( / zænθoʊˈriːə /) is a genus of about 30 species of flowering plants endemic to Australia. Species are known by the name grass tree .

What does Xanthorrhoea preissii look like?

Description: Xanthorrhoea preissii is a perennial monocot that resembles a tree to 5 m high, with very long and bunched, grass-like, leaves that emerge from a central base. The plant grows as a basal rosette for up to 30 years before the above-ground trunk becomes visible.

How long does it take for Xanthorrhoea to grow?

Xanthorrhoea may be cultivated, as seed is easily collected and germinated. While they do grow slowly, quite attractive plants with short trunks (10 cm) and leaf crowns up to 1.5 m (to the top of the leaves) can be achieved in 10 years. The slow growth rate means that it can take 30 years to achieve a specimen with a significant trunk.

What is the Aboriginal name for Xanthorrhoea?

In the South West, the Noongar name balga’ is used for X. preissii. In South Australia, Xanthorrhoea is commonly known as yakka, also spelled yacca and yacka, a name probably from a South Australian Aboriginal language, mostly likely Kaurna .