How many times can one sit for KCSE?

How many times can one sit for KCSE?

Three (3) times within 5 years starting from the date of the first sitting.

How can I check my KCSE results online for whole school?

HOW TO DOWNLOAD 2021 KCSE RESULTS FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL. School can now access the 2021 KCSE results online from the KNEC portal;

Is it possible to get a in KCSE?

KCSE results unlikely to be out today An A plain in KCSE is 12 points; A- (minus) is 11, and B+ (plus) is ten points. B (plain) is nine points, B- (minus) is eight, C+ (plus) is seven, C (plain) is six, C- (minus) is five, D+ (plus) is four, D (plain) is three, D- (minus) is two, and E is one point.

How can I pass KCSE?


  1. Start your revision early.
  2. Plan your revision and monitor your progress.
  3. Revise regularly for a few hours at a time.
  4. Be disciplined.
  5. Create a good atmosphere in which to work.
  6. Revise each subject topic by topic.
  7. Make use of as many sources of information as possible.
  8. Listen out for hints and tips.

Can KCSE redo?

KNEC confirmed that KCSE candidates repeating seven subjects or more could do so as many times as they wished as long as they met the laid down regulations. “Anyone taking less than seven subjects is not allowed to introduce any new subject that they did not sit for in the last attempt.

Can I download my KCSE certificate?

To download and print your KCSE result slip online, follow the steps below. Open the KNEC portal website. Choose the option “examination results”. Then a text box will appear, you need to give your KCSE Index number and then click on ‘submit’ button.

How can I check my KCSE results for school?

You can easily download KCSE results for the whole school, online. Here is all that you need to do; Visit the official Knec KCSE Portal by using the link;

How do you get B+ in KCSE?

You need to score a B+ in seven subject​s which is a must for English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Two sciences, One humanity and one technical or two humanities. Note that a B+ starts from 9.5 to 10.49999 points therefore you can struggle to reach 66.5 points (9.5 x 7).

Is B a good grade in Kenya?

As of 2019 Examinations, The highest Mean Grade (A) equated to the percentage of 81+….Secondary School.

Percent Grade Points
80–100% A 12
70–74% B+ 10
65–69% B 9
60–64% B- 8

Who sets KCSE?

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) will run registration for the first two national exams that will be administered in March next year between June 1 and July 31, 2021.

Can KNEC change a student name in KCSE certificate?

The Kenya National Examination Council has made it possible for you to change your name in a KNEC certificate. However, you can only do so once you understand the procedure and meet a set of requirements. Usually, the council issues a certificate to candidates after successfully finishing and passing the exams.

Can I repeat KCSE?

The government of Kenya pays examination fees for all candidates in public and private schools except repeaters, prisoners, private candidates and non Citizens. “Any 2019 female candidate with a mean grade of C and wishes to repeat form four 2020. Full year fee shall be provided,” read, yet, another advert.