How many fingers am I holding up now?

How many fingers am I holding up now?

‘ ‘Four.

How many fingers am I holding up Marv?

Harry : [Holds up his fingers] How many fingers am I holding up, Marv? Marv : [Dazed] Uh, eight.

How many fingers hold up Winston?

four fingers
“Yes,” said Winston. O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended. “How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?” “Four.”

How many fingers do you see Thursday?

“How many fingers am I holding up? * Beat* that’s right, zero! Man, you’re good at this game.”

How many fingers George Orwell have?

‘Yes,’ said Winston. O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.

Why do people ask how many fingers they’re holding up?

Advertisement: A Stock Phrase used to evaluate a person’s mental capabilities or vision when they have experienced head trauma or lost their glasses. A person will ask them “How many fingers am I holding up?” They can receive a wide variety of responses, such as: The patient is seeing double.

How many fingers am I holding up my cousin Vinny?

2 fingers
Vinny Gambini : All right, this is 50 feet, that’s half the distance. Vinny Gambini : How many fingers am I holding up? Judge Chamberlain Haller : Let the record know that the counsellor is holding up 2 fingers.

What was in room 101?

Room 101, introduced in the climax of the novel, is the basement torture chamber in the Ministry of Love, in which the Party attempts to subject a prisoner to their own worst nightmare, fear or phobia, with the objective of breaking down their resistance.

What does O’Brien tell Winston about Julia?

O’Brien tells him that Julia betrayed him immediately. Winston asks if Big Brother exists in the same way that he himself does, and O’Brien replies that Winston does not exist. Winston asks about the Brotherhood, and O’Brien responds that Winston will never know the answer to that question.

How many fingers do you see 1984?

When Inner Party member O’Brien tortures “1984’s” protagonist, Winston Smith, he holds up his hand with four fingers extended and asks Smith how many fingers he sees. When Smith replies, “Four! Four!

How many times has Morgan Freeman played God?

Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty (2003), Evan Almighty (2007)