How long is the Mackenzie river system?

How long is the Mackenzie river system?

1,025 miles
The Mackenzie itself is 1,025 miles (1,650 km) long, according to the conventional measurement from Great Slave Lake. The river is generally wide, mostly from 1 to 2 miles (1.6 to 3.2 km) across, and in island-dotted sections, 3 to 4 miles (4.8 to 6.4 km) wide. It has a strong flow.

How long does the Mackenzie river travel for?

Length of trip: 21 to 28 days from Fort Providence to Inuvik. Total Distance: 1480 km (925 miles) from Fort Providence to Inuvik. Average Gradient: the average gradient from Mills Lake near Fort Providence to Inuvik is . 5 feet per mil or .

How long is the Peace River in Canada?

1,195 mi
Peace River/Length

Where does Mackenzie river start and end?

Arctic Ocean
Mackenzie River/Mouths

What is the second largest river system in North America?

The Mackenzie River system
The Mackenzie River system, 4,241 km long, is the second largest in North America after the Mississippi River. The Mackenzie River system, 4,241 km long, is the second largest in North America after the Mississippi River.

What is a longest river?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

Can you canoe the Mackenzie River?

Canoeing, camping and genuine Indigenous cultural experience on one of the longest rivers in the world, the Mackenzie River! A northern Canada canoe, culture and wilderness adventure!

How long is the Peace River in Alberta?

What is the average depth of the Peace River?

The valley is incised to depths of from slightly over 210 m (700 ft) to 150 m (500 ft) over the same range. The Peace River is 1200 m (34 mi) wide just north of the town of Peace River and its average width is slightly over 400 m (14 mi).

What direction does the MacKenzie River flow?

Canada’s Mackenzie River, the country’s longest, spills out of Great Slave Lake, just north of the border between Alberta and Northwest Territories. The river flows northwest, skirting the northern ranges of the Rocky Mountains before widening into a marshy, lake-dotted delta.

Does the MacKenzie River freeze?

The river typically freezes by late October or November, starting in the north. Year round, the Mackenzie’s outflow has a major stabilizing effect in the local climate above the Arctic Ocean with large amounts of warmer fresh water mixing with the cold seawater.

What is the longest free flowing river in the United States?

Yellowstone River
1) Yellowstone River, Montana At 692-miles-long, the Yellowstone River in Montana is the longest free-flowing river in the contiguous U.S. Starting high in the mountains of Yellowstone National Park, the river flows uninterrupted until it meets up with the Missouri near Williston, North Dakota.