How far is the Tagus river navigable?

How far is the Tagus river navigable?

The Tagus is navigable for c. 80 mi (130 km) upstream. Its lower and upper courses pass through deep gorges and are broken by waterfalls. Many dams and reservoirs have been built on the Tagus and its tributaries to generate hydroelectric power and provide water for irrigation.

What’s the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula?

Tagus River
Tagus River, Portuguese Rio Tejo, Spanish Río Tajo, longest waterway of the Iberian Peninsula.

What is the meaning of Tagus?

Tagus in British English (ˈteɪɡəs ) noun. a river in SW Europe, rising in E central Spain and flowing west to the border with Portugal, then southwest to the Atlantic at Lisbon: the longest river of the Iberian Peninsula.

What is the Lisbon river called?


Tagus Tajo (Spanish) Tejo (Portuguese)
Mouth Estuary of the Tagus
• location Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon, Portugal
• elevation 0 m (0 ft)
Length 1,007 km (626 mi)

How long is the Tagus river miles?

625.7 mi

How deep is the Tagus river?

The upstream part, between Vila Franca de Xira and the Alcochete – Sacavém, has an average depth of 2 m and includes most mudflats. The middle part is deeper (average of 7 m), and the dowstream part reaches depths of 46 m and is the main navigation channel of the estuary….

Typical Residence Time 3 weeks

What are the 4 major rivers in Spain?

Following the same general direction as the major mountain systems, there are five major rivers, four of which –the Duero, Tagus, Guadiana and Guadalquivir— flow into the Atlantic and one –the Ebro— into the Mediterranean.

How long is the Tagus river?

What is the capital of Portugal?

Lisbon is the capital and the largest city of Portugal. It is the westernmost large city located in continental Europe, as well as its westernmost capital city and the only one along the Atlantic coast.

What is the bridge in Lisbon called?

Ponte 25 de Abril
25 de Abril Bridge

Ponte 25 de Abril
Crosses Tagus River
Locale Lisbon (right/North bank) Pragal (left/South bank)
Official name Ponte 25 de Abril
Other name(s) Ponte Salazar (before 1974) Tagus River Bridge

How wide is River Tagus?

The Tagus estuary can be divided into three main areas: a straight narrow and deep west-east oriented channel about 16 km long and 2 km wide, with maximum depths of about 45 m; an inner bay 25 km long and 15 km wide, oriented southwest-northeast, with depths between 5 and 10 m; and an upper shallow estuary with an area …

What is the total length of the Rio Tejo?

The total length of the Rio Tejo is 1,038 km (645 miles) and is the third longest river on the Iberian Peninsula behind Douro and the Ebro Rivers but the Tejo drains the second largest basin of the peninsula at 80,100 square kilometres (30,927 square miles).

What does Tejo mean in Spanish?

Tejo (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈte.xo]), also known, to a lesser degree, as turmeque (pronounced [tuɾˈ]), is a traditional throwing sport in Colombia.

What is the history of tejo?

Modern tejo is based on a game that was developed in Turmequé, Boyaca, Colombia more than 450 years ago. Meanwhile, in Sports and Games of the Ancients (1961), sport historian Steve Craig suggests that Chibcha Indians in South America played the game during the pre-Columbine period, prior to the ‘discovery’ of the region by Europeans.

What is the gameplay of tejo?

Gameplay. Depending on the context, Tejo can be played in either a formal or informal sense from collecting points to professional championship tournaments. The game consists of throwing a metal puck/disc (called a tejo), across an alley at a distance of approximately 18.5 meters (ring to ring), to a one meter by one meter board covered…