How far away is Paris by plane?

How far away is Paris by plane?

Distance from Usa to Paris The shortest distance (air line) between Usa and Paris is 4,647.76 mi (7,479.85 km).

How many hours does it take from USA to France?

Flying time from United States to France The total flight duration from United States to France is 10 hours, 4 minutes.

How many hours is Paris from Alabama?

9 hours, 33 minutes

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How many miles is Paris across?

Paris is oval shaped, approximately 9 miles east to west and 6 miles north to south, giving the City an area of 33.5 square miles, 86.7 square kilometers. The highway that encircles Paris, known as the Périphérique, basically defines the city limits. It’s about 22 miles around the Périphérique.

How many hours away is Paris France?

Paris is located around 292 KM away from France so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach France in 7 hours and 27 minutes.

Can you drive to Paris?

Driving to Paris is a great way to see the city, not to mention some sights along the way. Travelling by car means you can pack all the essentials and take in the scenery at your own pace. No train or flight departures to worry about here.

How Big Is Paris France in miles?

40.7 mi²

Is Paris bigger than New York?

New York has less landmass than Paris, so that might account for some difference.

How long does it take to get to Paris from the United States?

Non-stop flights from New York to Paris takes anywhere between 6 hours to 17 hours based on the airline you choose. Fastest one-stop flight between New York and Paris takes close to 9 hours . However, some airlines could take as long as 36 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.