How do you respond to jawohl?

How do you respond to jawohl?

“Jawohl” is more of an acknowledgement (“I have understood and will comply with your request”) than an answer to a yes/no question, “Sind Sie ein Einzelkind?” would be answered with “Ja” or “Nein”. Thus, in my experience, in a military context, the question of an opposite of “Jawohl” rarely arises.

What is ja wohl?

: certainly : yes, sir.

Is jawohl a bad word?

10 Answers. “Jawohl” is a normal German word, used as a strong affirmative. It doesn’t have a specifically Nazi background, but one of its main uses has always been in the military, including the Wehrmacht.

How do you use Wohl in German?

Wohl is a very tricky particle to use because it’s usually translated to mean “well,” as in the phrase Ich fühle mich wohl (I feel well). However, as a particle it can mean that the speaker is assuming something to be true.

What’s Herr mean?

Definition of Herr —used among German-speaking people as a title equivalent to Mr.

How do you use Wohl in a sentence?

The adverb wohl can mean well:

  1. Ich fühle mich wohl. I feel well.
  2. wohlgeformt = well-formed. wohlbegründet = well-founded.
  3. Er hat wohl recht. He probably is right.
  4. Es wird wohl leider nicht zum Bestehen reichen. Probably it will not be enough to pass.
  5. Unfortunately it will not be enough to pass.

How do you use Modalpartikeln?

7 Rules of Modalpartikeln:

  1. Modalpartikeln are not declined (no particles are)
  2. Modalpartikeln do not change the truth value of the sentence.
  3. Modalpartikeln cannot be negated.
  4. Modalpartikeln cannot be taken from a question and used alone as an answer.
  5. Modalpartikeln cannot start a sentences.

Do Germans still use jawohl?

Jawohl was, and continues to be, used in a military context as an affirmative answer to an order from someone of a superior rank. Those who have done military service in Germany know that the modern-day Bundeswehr still insists on its use!

What does ya WOLT mean in German?

Jawohl, or Jawoll consists of the words ja and wohl. Literally translated, those mean “yes” and “well” or “indeed.” You can also translate jawohl with “Aye” or “Yes!”

What means pukka sahib?

Pukka sahib (/ˈpʌkə ˈsɑː(ɪ)b/ PUK-ə SAH(-i)b) is a slang term taken from Hindi words for “Absolute” (“first class,” “absolutely genuine” for English users) and “master,” but meaning “true gentleman” or “excellent fellow.” The expression was used in the British Empire to describe Europeans or to describe an attitude …

What does the German word hair mean in English?

[ her; English hair ] SHOW IPA. / hɛr; English hɛər / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun, plural Her·ren [her-uhn; English hair-uhn]. the conventional German title of respect and term of address for a man, corresponding to Mr. or in direct address to sir.