How do you calculate the power factor of a light?

How do you calculate the power factor of a light?

The power factor rating is the ratio of real power (Watts) used by the load compared to apparent power (Voltage x Current drawn) into the circuit: Power factor = Watts / (Volts x Amps). The power factor value is calculated by dividing real power and apparent value.

Why do we use 1.73 for three phase?

In a three phase circuit, the use of the constant 1.732 results from the fact that not all three phases are producing the same amount of power at the same time. Suffice it to say that the correct power from a three-phase system at any point in time is found by multiplying by the square root of 3.

What is the formula for calculating power factor?

It is found by multiplying (kVA = V x A). The result is expressed as kVA units. PF expresses the ratio of true power used in a circuit to the apparent power delivered to the circuit.

What is the typical power factor of LED lights?

LED lighting systems are driven (ballasted) by electronic LED drivers which have an inherently capacitive electrical characteristic. These drivers have an integrated active power factor corrector, resulting in a high-power factor of around 0.99 (same applies for electronic ballasts for HID lamps).

What is the formula for power factor 12?

The power factor, cos ϕ of an AC circuit is the ratio of true power dissipation to the apparent power dissipation in the circuit. Also, cos ϕ = R / Z. Range of power factor for an AC circuit lies between 0 and 1. 0 for purely inductive circuit.

How do you calculate current in a 3-phase system?

Summary. By remembering that a three phase power (kW or kVA) is simply three times the single phase power, any three phase problem can be simplified. Divide kW by the power factor to get the kVA. VA is simply the current times the voltage, so knowing this and the voltage can give the current.

How do you calculate 3-phase current?

Three Phase Current – Calculation

  1. kW = kVA x pf.
  2. kVA = kW/pf.
  3. kVA = kW / power factor = 23/0.86 = 26.7 kVA (26700VA)
  4. Current = VA / voltage = 26700 / 230 = 116 A.
  5. VLL =√3 x VLN
  6. VLN = VLL / √3.
  7. kVA = kW / power factor = 12 / 0.86 = 13.9 kVA (13900 VA)
  8. Current = VA / voltage = 13900 / 230 = 60 A.

How do you find phase angle?

Phase Angle Calculator

  1. Formula. A = tan^-1(XL-XC/R)
  2. Inductive Reactance (Ohms)
  3. Capacitive Reactance (Ohms)
  4. Resistance (Ohms)

How are LED lumens calculated?

A lumen is a unit measurement of light. To determine the needed lumens, you will need to multiply your room square footage by your room foot-candle requirement. For example, a 100 square foot living room, which needs 10-20 foot-candles, will need 1,000-2,000 lumens.

How much power does a 100w LED use?

As an example, a 100-watt light bulb operating for ten hours would use one kilowatt-hour. Below are some examples of electrical appliances found in most homes. These examples are using a 10 cents per kWh rate.

What is Q factor Class 12?

Definition: In Physics, quality factor which is also named as Q-factor is a dimensionless parameter which describes the resonance behaviour of an under-damped harmonic oscillator. You might wonder what an under-damped oscillator is. So, in an oscillator, friction or damping slows down the motion of the system.

How do you calculate the power of a 3 phase power calculator?

The three phase power calculator calculates the active and reactive power current from the following parameters: Voltage (V): Enter the phase-to-phase ( V L L) voltage for a 3-phase AC supply in volts. Current (I): Enter the the current in Amperes (A). Power factor (cosΦ). Enter the power factor of the load.

What is a 3 phase power circuit?

A 3-phase power circuit consists of three conductors of alternating current combined into a single power line. The current in each conductor is 1/3 cycle out of phase with the other two. This arrangement produces a smoother power flow and permits lower line voltages. Three-phase power circuits are commonly used in

What is the formula for single phase apparent power?

Single phase apparent power S1ph (VA): S 1 p h = P 1 p h p f = P 3 × p f Phase current I (A) is the single phase apparent power divided by the phase to neutral voltage (and given VLN = VLL / √3): I = S 1 p h V L N = P 3 × p f 3 V L L

How do you convert a three phase transformer to single phase?

The kW per winding (single phase) has to be the total divided by 3. Similarly a transformer (with three windings, each identical) supplying a given kVA will have each winding supplying a third of the total power. To convert a three phase problem to a single phase problem take the total kW (or kVA) and divide by three.