Do nipple piercings cause permanent damage?

Do nipple piercings cause permanent damage?

Scarring is another common side effect caused by nipple piercings. Certain scar tissues, such as keloid scars, create a growth of permanent scar tissue at the site of the piercing. These scars can only be removed surgically.

Can nipple piercings cause breast cancer?

Despite the rumors, nipple piercings cannot increase your risk of breast cancer. One of the more unusual breast cancer myths gaining popularity these days is that nipple piercings increase the risk of the breast cancer. The short answer to this question is a resounding no, not at all.

Why do my nipple piercings smell?

Your body secretes a substance called sebum as part of its normal everyday work. Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Mix sebum with some dead skin cells and a little bit of bacteria, and you get some really potent smelling piercings! The discharge is semi-solid and smells like stinky cheese.

Can I wear a bra after nipple piercing?

Should I wear a bra when getting my nipple pierced? A little bit of bleeding and discharge directly after and during the healing process is normal. We recommend placing a breathable Band-Aid on the area directly afterwards to prevent bras or clothing sticking to your piercing.

Do nipple piercings ever really heal?

Like any piercing, nipple piercings need some TLC so they heal and settle in properly. Nipple piercings also take a long time to fully heal. The average piercing takes about 9 to 12 months to heal. Healing time depends on your body and how well you take care of the piercing.

Can you lose feeling in your nipples after piercing?

Does nipple piercing affect/improve sensitivity? Personal experience says no, but for many women, whose piercings have healed nicely, their nipple sensitivity increased dramatically.

Can nipple piercing holes go away?

Nipple piercings are one of the fastest piercing to close. When they’re new, they can close in minutes. Even after a few years, nipple piercings can close inside of a week without jewellery. For some, the hole can stay open for years on its own, although this is rare.

How do I keep my nipple piercings healthy?


  1. Rinse your piercing a few times every day.
  2. Soak the piercing in a sea salt soak at least twice daily.
  3. Wear loose cotton clothing for the first few months.
  4. Wear thick cotton clothes or sports/padded bras at night or during physical activity.
  5. Be careful when you’re getting dressed.

How Much Should nipple piercings cost?

On average, the typical piercing procedure may cost anywhere from $30-$50, with the body jewelry running $10-$50, depending on the metal and design you get, so expect to spend anywhere from $40-$100 per nipple, based on both the studio and the body jewelry.

Should you wear a bra after nipple piercing?

Should I wear a bra when getting my nipple pierced? A little bit of bleeding and discharge directly after and during the healing process is normal. Make sure you wear a bra made of breathable fabric to keep the piercing dry. Guys, try not to wear tight fitting shirts unless you wear a Band-Aid over the piercing.