Can I have a successful pregnancy with a polyp?

Can I have a successful pregnancy with a polyp?

In subfertility patients, the diagnosis of endometrial polyps is frequently an incidental finding. The association between endometrial polyps and subfertility is controversial, as many women with polyps have successful pregnancies.

Can polyps prevent you from getting pregnant?

The location of the polyps could be preventing the embryo from implanting in the uterus. These growths can block the cervical canal and even prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. When doctors decide to remove the polyps, there is an increase in the success rate of natural pregnancy.

Do polyps affect fertility?

Uterine polyps Polyps can interfere with fertility by preventing a fertilized egg (embryo) from implanting in the uterine wall correctly.

What happens if you have a polyp on your cervix?

Usually, cervical polyps do not cause any symptoms, but they may cause bleeding or a puslike discharge. Doctors can usually diagnose cervical polyps during a pelvic examination. Polyps that cause bleeding or a discharge are removed during the pelvic examination.

Can I get pregnant naturally after polyp removal?

There is at least one good study that revealed that removal of the polyp increases the chances of conceiving. The study found that when a polyp was removed, the pregnancy rate was 63%. However, if the polyp was not removed at hysteroscopy, the pregnancy rate was only 28%.

Can cervical polyps cause miscarriage?

The presence of cervical polyps and/or polypectomy during pregnancy may have markedly increased the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or PTB. It may be preferable not to perform polypectomy on pregnant patients with cervical polyp, particularly with decidual polyps, except for suspected malignancy [14].

Can a cervical polyp fall off?

How are cervical polyps treated? Polyps are usually benign growths. Many fall off by themselves during menstruation. However, in rare instances, polyps are precancerous lesions and removing them reduces your risk of cancer.

Can cervix cause infertility?

If you haven’t gone through menopause, you might notice your periods becoming more irregular or painful. A closed cervix can also cause infertility because sperm can’t travel into the uterus to fertilize an egg.

Can cervical polyps go away on their own?

In premenopausal women, polyps often go away on their own and may require no additional treatment if you are not having symptoms and have no other risk factors. In some cases, uterine polyps are precancerous and need to be removed.

Should I be worried about a polyp on my cervix?

Polyps on the cervix may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, see your gynecologist right away if you experience vaginal discharge of white or yellow mucus, or abnormally heavy periods. You should also call your doctor if you experience vaginal spotting or bleeding: after sexual intercourse.

Can cervical polyp cause miscarriage?

Has anyone gotten pregnant after a hysterectomy?

Pregnancy after hysterectomy is extremely rare, with the first case of ectopic pregnancy after hysterectomy reported by Wendler in 1895 [2,3,4]. To the best of our knowledge, there are only 72 cases of post-hysterectomy ectopic pregnancy reported in the world literature [3].