Who initiated French mercantilism?

Who initiated French mercantilism?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Colbertism (French: Colbertisme) is an economic and political doctrine of the 17th century, created by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the Controller-General of Finances under Louis XIV of France. Colbertism is a variant of mercantilism that is sometimes seen as its synonym.

Who was Jean-Baptiste Colbert and what did he do?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Comptroller-General of Finances under Louis XIV, held almost all of the great offices of state over the course of his career. Considered an accomplished manager, he was responsible for developing trade, industry and the merchant navy, modernising Paris, and backing new advances in the sciences.

What did Jean-Baptiste Colbert do in New France?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, (born August 29, 1619, Reims, France—died September 6, 1683, Paris), French statesman who served as comptroller general of finance (1665–83) and secretary of state for the navy (1668–83) under King Louis XIV of France.

What was Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s main goal for France?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert presided over the economic policy of France under Louis XIV from 1661 to his death in 1683. Colbert believed in the Mercantilist doctrine that the expansion of commerce (and the maintenance of a favorable balance of trade) was the key to State wealth.

When was mercantilism created?

mercantilism, economic theory and practice common in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century that promoted governmental regulation of a nation’s economy for the purpose of augmenting state power at the expense of rival national powers.

Who was the talented French finance minister that tripled France’s treasury?

“Nicolas Fouquet”.

Who is Jean Baptiste Colbert quizlet?

Jean Baptiste-Colbert was the controller of general finances. His central principle was that the wealth and the economy of France should serve the state and he rigorously applied mercantilism to France. He believed that France should be self sufficient and supported both new and old French industries.

How did Jean Baptiste Colbert contribute to increasing Louis XIV royal revenue?

In 1651 he became the agent of Cardinal Mazarin, whom he served so well that the cardinal bequeathed him to King Louis XIV in 1661. The tax system was made slightly fairer and much more efficient, thereby greatly increasing Louis XIV’s revenues. In a mercantilist age Colbert was the supreme mercantilist.

How did mercantilism help Louis XIV?

Under the rule of Louis XIV mercantilism flourished. Louis was obsessed with achieving a divine right monarchy and mercantilism helped him do this. Louis’ domestic policy was to centralize the economy by taxing the peasants and the middle class, run key industries and make more exports than imports.

Who was involved in mercantilism?

The primary countries that employed mercantilism were of western Europe—France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Britain, as well as Germany and the Netherlands.

What caused mercantilism?

Mercantilism grew due to several reasons. At first, the Renaissance did not accept the religious doctrine of Medieval Europe. Secondly, the Fall of Feudalism was another cause for the rise of Mercantilism. With the fall of feudalism, the fate of agriculture was doomed.

Who was the finance minister appointed by Louis XVI?

Jacques Necker
Born in Switzerland and trained as a banker, Jacques Necker accumulated a considerable personal fortune before becoming Louis XVI’s finance minister. He implemented a rigorous economic policy, reducing the crown’s expenditure and imposing structural reforms on the way the royal finances were administered.