Why does Tom laugh at the end of the story Why is this ironic?

Why does Tom laugh at the end of the story Why is this ironic?

This is why Tom laughs at the end, because the loss of the paper cements a decision that he has already made.

How does Jack Finney create suspense and tension in the story?

In “Contents of the Dead Man ‘s Pockets,” Jack Finney uses setting, flash-forwards, and conflict to build suspense and create a feeling of tension in the reader. Jack Finney utilizes the setting of his story as a form of suspense to set a certain mood which draws the readers into …show more content…

How did Tom resolve both exterior and interior conflict in the story?

He also remembers that his wife could never open the window by herself. This is an external conflict because it involves a character struggling with something outside himself. The conflict is resolved by Tom punching the glass window with his fist and then he crawls back inside his apartment.

When Tom imagines the report of the contents of the dead man’s pocket What does he realize about his life’s priorities?

Tom realizes that he has wasted time, time he should have spent with his wife. “He wished, then, that he had not allowed his wife to go off by herself tonight – an don similar nights.

How has Tom resolved his conflict?

Tom’s psychological conflict is resolved after he experiences an epiphany of sorts on the ledge in realizing the existential absurdity of basing his life upon monetary success. His physical conflict is resolved when he succeeds in breaking the window and is able to enter the safety of his apartment.

Why is it so important to Tom that he goes out the window and retrieves the yellow slip of paper?

Tom climbs out onto the ledge to retrieve a sheet of paper he thinks is very important and because he doesn’t realize, until he gets out there, how great a risk he is taking. The author Jack Finney takes pains to show the importance of the piece of paper in order to make it plausible that Tom would risk going after it.

How does Jack Finney create suspense in contents of a dead man’s pocket?

Jack Finney creates intense suspense through descriptions of what it is like on the ledge of the eleventh floor and what lies below the ledge, the fear and terror in Tom, and the crisis of the apartment window closing.

Why is the story titled contents of a dead man’s pocket?

The title is symbolic because in the story he thinks about how if he fell what would be in his pocket. ” ‘Contents of the dead man’s pockets’, he thought with sudden fierce anger, ‘a wasted life’ ” He realizes at that moment that if he works all the time then he never enjoyed life and it was a waste of time.

How does Tom’s internal conflict impact the story?

In this story, Tom Benecke has got himself into quite a predicament, and I would argue that the crux of the internal conflict he experiences comes down to what he values more: his job or his life. In the end, this internal conflict leads Tom to the realization that he has had his priorities all wrong.

How are Tom’s conflicts resolved?

Tom’s conflicts are resolved, then, when he comes to the realization that risking his life for a piece of paper that may or may not benefit him professionally is a fool’s errand. His life with his wife is, he concludes, more important.

What is the contents of the dead man’s pocket mostly about?

What is “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” mostly about? It is a bout a man who decides to stay home and word instead of going to the movies with his wife. 15. Why does Tom want to spend the evening working?

How does the author of contents of the dead man’s pocket effectively create suspense in the story?

The suspense in this story is achieved by putting the character in a life-and-death situation, but it works well, because the author maintains a very intense third-person point of view in which readers are aware of the protagonist’s thoughts and sensations.

What is the resolution of the story Désirée’s baby?

The resolution of a story takes place after the climax. It is the part of the story where the conflict comes to an end. In Kate Chopin’s “Désirée’s Baby,” the resolution comes after Désirée and her… What meanings are associated with the names Desiree, La Blanche, and L’Abri, and how do they relate to the story?

What does a character analysis of Desiree reveal about her character?

A character analysis of Desiree reveals that she is a gentle and loving young woman who feels no shame nor inferiority because she was a foundling abandoned by the road when a toddler, then found,… What do the three colors symbolize in “Desiree’s Baby”?

Why is the introduction of the Iyi important in the story?

The introduction of the iyi may also be important as by introducing it into the story Achebe appears to be exploring the theme of tradition. Roof is very much afraid of the iyi and his actions at the polling station may be triggered by his fear of the iyi and what may happen him should he not fulfill his promise to vote for Maduka.

How does Jackson foreshadow the end of the story?

Though Jackson foreshadows the end of the story with the distance she puts between her characters, the stones, the stool, and all other things associated with the lottery, she also pulls her readers into thinking it is an ordinary story by her use of the vivid description of setting and characters.