Why does the temperature not change while a liquid boils?

Why does the temperature not change while a liquid boils?

The temperature remains constant at boiling point, till all the molecules change their phase because all the heat being added to the liquid is absorbed to overcome the inter molecular forces and thus is not reflected and is called as latent heat.

Why does the temperature remain constant during melting and boiling point?

Answer: The temperature of a substance remains constant at its melting and boiling points until all the substance melts or boils because, the heat supplied is continuously used up in changing the state of the substance by overcoming the forces of attraction between the particles.

Why does the temperature remain constant when a liquid?

This is because all heat energy provided is used up to change the state of water vapour. Therefore all the heat energy which is supplied to the liquid is used up to increase the kinetic energy of the particles while the temperature remains constant.

Why can’t a liquid exist above its boiling point?

Many good answers have already been submitted explaining that a liquid cannot exist at a temperature above its boiling point because above that temperature the substance is a gas. Of course all of these arguments assume that the boiling point remains constant as heat is added. There are situations where that assumption is not valid.

Why does the temperature of boiling water increase when heated?

So the input heat is used up by water to convert into vapor at a fixed temperature and pressure. Thus supply of some form of heat to boiling water does not increase its temperature further but is used to overcome the latent heat barrier and convert its form to vapor.

Why does the temperature remain constant when steam is added to water?

The temperature remains constant because the energy added goes into the escaping steam, and not into the temperature of the water. Steam at 1ny given temperature has much more energy than liquid water at the same temperature.

How does boiling point affect the energy of a gas?

Once reaches the boiling point, the extra energy goes into converting liquid into gas, which costs energy , instead of increasing the temperature. Both liquid and gas are then at the same temperature (as they must be, to be in equilibrium), but the molecules in the gas phase have more energy.