Why did the British East India Company army have Indian soldiers?

Why did the British East India Company army have Indian soldiers?

The first purely Indian troops employed by the British were watchmen employed in each of the Presidencies of the British East India Company to protect their trading stations. These were all placed in 1748 under one Commander-in-Chief, Major-General Stringer Lawrence who is regarded as the “Father of the Indian Army”.

In what year did the British start compulsory recruitment for the army from the countryside in India?

Two acts were passed, the Recruiting Act 1778 and the Recruiting Act 1779, for the impressment of individuals. For some men this would have been for being drunk and disorderly.

When did the East India Company raise its first Indian Army?

The first army officially called the Indian Army was raised by the government of India in 1895, existing alongside the three long-established presidency armies.

When did East India Company came to an end?

The Indian Rebellion was to be the end of the East India Company. In the wake of this bloody uprising, the British government effectively abolished the Company in 1858.

What was the name of the Indian soldiers created by the East Indian Company?

In the 18th century, the French East India Company and its other European counterparts employed locally recruited soldiers within India, mainly consisting of infantry designated as “sepoys”. The largest of these Indian forces, trained along European lines, was that belonging to the British East India Company.

What was forced recruitment used for by the British in India?

Forced recruitment is a process by which the colonial state forced people to join the army. The British government in India resorted to it at the time of the First World War in order to boost the number of soldiers fighting from its side.

What is the oldest age you can join the British army?

You must be at least 17 years and 9 months when you apply. You can apply to join the Army until the day before your 50th birthday (for Reserve Soldier) and 48 years and 9 months for Officer Roles. There are higher age limits for some specialist roles, and ex-Regular Rejoiners.

Where did the East Indian Company raise its first Indian Army?

In 1640 AD the British East India Company established its first fortified post -Fort Saint George near Madras which soon became its headquarters.

When was the British East India Company dissolved?

June 1, 1874East India Company / Ceased operations