Which country does Svalbard belong to?

Which country does Svalbard belong to?

Svalbard, (Old Norse: “Cold Coast”) archipelago, part of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean well north of the Arctic Circle. The islands lie between longitude 10° and 35° E and latitude 74° and 81° N, about 580 miles (930 km) north of Tromsø, Norway.

What type of land is Svalbard?

Svalbard is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the North, the sea of Barents to the South and East, and by the sea of Greenland to the West. The name ‘Svalbard’ means ‘the land with the cold coast’ or ‘cold edge’. What is Svalbard like? Svalbard is cold and a dry arctic desert.

Is Norway an archipelago?

Norway has many archipelagos which offer many activities such as sailing, kayaking, bird watching, whale safaris, an abundance of flora and fauna, welcoming locals, and all the delicious seafood you could ever imagine.

Who controls Svalbard?

of Norway
The Svalbard Treaty of 1920 established full Norwegian sovereignty over the archipelago. The islands are, unlike the Norwegian Antarctic Territory, a part of the Kingdom of Norway and not a dependency.

What is the language of Svalbard?

Approximately 70% of the people are Norwegians; the remaining 30% are Russian and Ukrainian. The official language of Svalbard is Norwegian. Russian is used in the Russian settlements, but formerly, Russenorsk was the lingua franca of the entire Barents Sea region.

Where is Svalbard located?

Svalbard: Halfway Between Norway and the North Pole. Svalbard is a Norwegian group of islands located in the Arctic Ocean north of continental Norway, about 650 miles (1,050 kilometers) from the North Pole. It is the northernmost year-round settlement on Earth, with a population of about 2,200.

What is Svalbard part of?

Svalbard. Svalbard (Russian: Шпицберген, Shpitsbergen or грумант, Grumant ) is a group of islands located between the Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, and the Norwegian Sea. The islands are directly North of (and since 1920 an integrated part of) Norway .

Is Svalbard a country?

Svalbard is a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean. It is the most northern part of Norway. It is about halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole .