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Where did the slang word shine come from?
1520s, “brightness,” from shine (v.). Meaning “polish given to a pair of boots” is from 1871. Derogatory meaning “black person” is from 1908 (perhaps from glossiness of skin or, on another guess, from frequent employment as shoeshines).
What does shining on someone mean?
To deceive one or to tell one a lie, especially in order to deflect or avoid responsibility for something. He told me he hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol, but I think he was shining me on. Don’t shine us on, Marty.
What does shine mean derogatory?
Black person
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Black person. SEE MORE.
What is a shinnie?
Definition of shinny (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a variation of hockey played by children with a curved stick and a ball or block of wood also : the stick used. 2 : an informal game of ice hockey played usually outdoors. shinny. verb.
What’s a shinnie?
What is the full meaning of shine?
1 : brightness caused by the emission of light. 2 : brightness caused by the reflection of light : luster the shine of polished silver. 3 : brilliance, splendor still has a shine about her. 4 : fair weather : sunshine rain or shine.
What is Shinji’s personality?
Personality. Shinji initially shows a passive and laid-back personality, inheriting such traits from his relaxed life with his sensei. When he is told to pilot Unit-01, he denies, not wanting to do it.
How do you spell Shiney or shiny?
adjective, shin·i·er, shin·i·est. bright or glossy in appearance. filled with light, as by sunshine.
What is the difference between Shine and shines?
Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense shines , present participle shining , past tense, past participle shined , past tense, past participle shone language note: The past tense and past participle of the verb is shone, except for meaning [sense 5] when it is shined.
Where does the phrase ‘shine it on’ come from?
The correct meaning for “shine it on”dates back to 1931, when the county of Los Angeles Probation Department established its first forestry camp for at risk youths.
Where did the phrase take a shine to a pair of boots?
Meaning “polish given to a pair of boots” is from 1871. Derogatory meaning “black person” is from 1908 (perhaps from glossiness of skin or, on another guess, from frequent employment as shoeshines). Phrase to take a shine to “fancy” is American English slang from 1839, perhaps from shine up to “attempt to please as a suitor.”
What is the origin of the word ‘shiner’?
Shiner is from late 14c. as “something that shines;” sense of “black eye” first recorded 1903, American English, in East Side immigrant dialect.