What were the concerns of conservatives?

What were the concerns of conservatives?

Social conservatives in the United States are concerned with many social issues such as opposition to abortion, opposition to feminism, support for traditional family values, opposition to pornography, support for abstinence-only sex education, opposition to same-sex marriage, opposition to transgender rights, support …

What are conservatives main beliefs?

7 Core Principles of Conservatism

  • Individual Freedom. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual,God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion.
  • Limited Government.
  • The Rule of Law.
  • Peace through Strength.
  • Fiscal Responsibility.
  • Free Markets.
  • Human Dignity.

What are liberal beliefs?

Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy.

Who were conservatism Class 10?

Conservatives believed in traditional and cultural values. They were the people who supported monarchy and nobility. They believed that privileges of the monarchy and nobility should exist. After the French Revolution, they contended that gradual changes should be brought in the society.

What are liberals beliefs?

What is a conservative in simple terms?

Conservatism is a type of political belief that supports emphasis on traditions and relies on the individual to maintain society. The term is associated with right-wing politics. It has been used to describe a wide range of views.

What do liberals think about education?

The liberals ideas are based on the two principles of liberty and equality. The liberals most often lean towards public school systems. They do this because they believe it is the best way to educate the general public. They are against the idea of education vouchers for students.

Who were liberals what ideas were supported by them?


  • freedom on goods and capital.
  • they wanted the freedom and equality for all.
  • they opposed the idea of privileges from birth.
  • they supported the nationalist struggle in the country.

What did the liberals oppose?

Many liberals were openly hostile to religious belief itself, but most concentrated their opposition to the union of religious and political authority, arguing that faith could prosper on its own, without official sponsorship or administration by the state.

Who were liberals Class 9 short answer?

Liberals was a group of people qho wanted a nation which tolerated all religions. They opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers. They wanted to safeguard the rights of individuals against government.

What are liberals known for?

Who are conservatives in US politics?

American conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States characterized by respect for American traditions, republicanism, support for Judeo-Christian values, moral absolutism, free markets and free trade, anti-communism, individualism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of …

What are the economic issues of liberalism?

Economic Issues. In contrast, liberals believe many citizens rely on government services for healthcare, unemployment insurance, health and safety regulations, and so on. As such, liberals often favor a larger government that taxes more and spends more to provide services to its citizens.

What are the 5 characteristics of a conservative?

1 Social Issues. In terms of views on social issues, conservatives oppose gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. 2 Economic Issues. 3 Political views. 4 Psychological traits. 5 Libertarians.

What do conservative policies emphasize?

Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems. And check out our page: 2019 General Election Resources for teachers. NOTE: The terms “left” and “right” define opposite ends of the political spectrum.

What is morality for conservatives?

Morality for conservatives includes three attributes that are not as highly-valued by liberals: loyalty, respect for authority, and sanctity . Research suggests that conservatives are particularly attuned to threats, with a greater startle reflex in response to loud noises.