What was swirling around the sun after it was born?

What was swirling around the sun after it was born?

The cloud contracted under its own gravity and our proto-Sun formed in the hot dense center. The remainder of the cloud formed a swirling disk called the solar nebula. Within the solar nebula, scientists believe that dust and ice particles embedded in the gas moved, occasionally colliding and clumping together.

How was matter formed after the Big Bang?

In the first moments after the Big Bang, the universe was extremely hot and dense. As the universe cooled, conditions became just right to give rise to the building blocks of matter – the quarks and electrons of which we are all made. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly.

What caused nebula to form after the Big Bang?

Nebula. Diffuse nebula are the clouds of material formed from the explosions of population three, population two stars, and the left over hydrogen and helium from the Big Bang. As a galaxy rotates like the Milky way, large densities of gas and dust build up in the spiral arms.

How is matter produced?

Thus, matter can be created out of two photons. The law of conservation of energy sets a minimum photon energy required for the creation of a pair of fermions: this threshold energy must be greater than the total rest energy of the fermions created.

What is matter and how is it formed?

All matter is made up of atoms, which are in turn made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Atoms come together to form molecules, which are the building blocks for all types of matter, according to Washington State University.

How did stellar nebula form?

In essence, a nebula is formed when portions of the interstellar medium undergo gravitational collapse. Mutual gravitational attraction causes matter to clump together, forming regions of greater and greater density.

What caused the Big Bang to happen?

Before the Big Bang there was no space or time. So, it is actually meaningless to ask what caused the Big Bang to happen – there was no Universe in which that cause could have existed. This might seem like a bit of a cheat, but there are other good reasons to suppose a cause for the Big Bang might not exist.

Did the universe expand into space after the Big Bang?

The universe did not expand into space, as space did not exist before the universe, according to NASA Instead, it is better to think of the Big Bang as the simultaneous appearance of space everywhere in the universe.

Did the universe begin with a whimper or a bang?

But we know better today. The Universe began not with a whimper, but with a bang! At least, that’s what you’re commonly told: the Universe and everything in it came into existence at the moment of the Big Bang.

Why didn’t all this matter immediately collapse into a black hole?

According to the big bang theory, all the matter in the universe erupted from a singularity. Why didn’t all this matter–cheek by jowl as it was–immediately collapse into a black hole? – Scientific American. According to the big bang theory, all the matter in the universe erupted from a singularity.